Month: May 2007

The Teacher

“We have a lot of work to do if you’re going to finish this project by Friday,” Miss Haller said while reviewing Dani’s notes, “drop by my apartment this evening around seven, I think with a little concentrated effort we can get most of this organized and ready to be typed!!!” Dani nodded in agreement with her teacher, and after writing down Miss Haller’s address, she headed off to her next class!!!


The Maid

Mary was depressed. Out of high school for three months now and not one decent job offer. She was getting desperate!!! Her parents were on her back and she couldn’t blame them,underfoot all day and just generally in her mom’s way. As she scanned the want ads for the 23rd time her eye caught sight of an ad she must have missed. It read, “Older widowed lady needs live in female for general household duties and companionship. Will pay top dollar to the right person! Start right away. Call Mrs. Bradford at 555-1534.” Mary reread the ad several times trying to decide if she even wanted to get into domestic work. As hard up as she was, the words “top dollar” made her pick up the phone and dial the listed number. A minute later she had an appointment to meet Mrs. Bradford tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 o’clock. She wasn’t exactly looking forward to it, but Mary really needed to get something going, and how hard could domestic work be?


Mid Afternoon Break

“Oh, do I need a break,” Constance Walker sighed while pushing away from her desk and stretching her aching muscles, “it’s almost two o’clock, where does the time go!?!” As CEO of a large importing business, the crush of paper work and the constant pressure to keep things moving ahead would sap the strength of even the most experienced business man!!! Constance made a quick note on her note pad before donning her coat and heading out of the office for a two hour break but first, she stopped momentarily at her secretary’s desk and offered, “I’m going to be out of the office for a couple of hours, Jenny, so if they’re are any calls just take a message and I’ll get back to them later this afternoon, and by the way make sure that the Asian invoices are on my desk for tomorrow morning’s meeting!!!”

Down on the street in front of her office building, Constance hailed a cab and gave the driver and address on the near north side, and while it was only a ten minute ride, for once they weren’t caught in Chicago’s brutal afternoon traffic!!! Even though she had visited the majestic brownstone many times, she still had her usual shiver as she climbed the stairs leading to the front door, where upon she rang the chimes and waited for and answer!!! A voice coming from a small intercom on the door jam asked evenly, “Who is it, please!?!” “It’s Constance Walker,” she replied into the tiny speaker, “I have a two thirty appointment!!!” The intercom went dead, but within a matter of seconds the lock buzzer in the door hand went off, which just gave Constance enough time to open the door and step inside!!! Almost immediately a young woman in a tiny French maid’s outfit appeared out of nowhere and escorted her to the front desk!!!


Broken Bra Strap

Stella Bordon sat a her desk and reviewed the testimony in a divorce proceeding that her client was involved in. “Geesh,” she thought to herself, “this guy is lying through his teeth, Edie is right, he is hiding assets some place!” For the next ten minutes she poured over the deposition of Edie’s husband, and all at once a light bulb went off in her head, and she spun around in her desk and reached for a law book on the top shelf of her book case. As she stretched up to retrieve it, snap, her right bra strap tore away from its moorings and left her right breast totally lacking in support! Now for most women, a broken bra strap would be an minor inconvenience, but for Stella it was a disaster, as her 42DD cup bra was the only thing holding her massive chest in place!!! Her chest was so out sized, that she ordered all of her bras, and other lingerie for that matter, from a specialty store in New York! Of course she had other bras at home, but she was due in court later that afternoon, and since she lived in Chicago’s far western suburbs and worked in the Loop, her spare bras might as well have been on Mars!!!
