[ Story by Old Dreamer [email protected] ]
We were invited to a colleague’s New Year’s party. My wife Julie hates parties and I mentioned it nervously, firmly expecting that she would refuse. I was surprised when she accepted with no fuss.
Our marriage had been going through a rough phase lately. I had once pressed her to make love to another man in my presence but she had indignantly refused.
“If I am going to fuck someone else it will be because I want to and in private not for your entertainment.” she had said. Wanting to save my marriage, I backed off and had said no more.
When the party invite arrived, I knew it was not going to be a swinging affair. I could but hope it might be exciting.
She must have sensed my hopeful eagerness and expected the worst. I didn’t imagine that is why she agreed to come and assumed she just wanted to please me to help save the marriage but, in the light of events, I am not as sure now.