Karen came to stay with us when she and her husband Eric were getting divorced. Eric had begun drinking soon after they married and had soon become more interested in his beer than his wife. Needless to say it was a bad time for her. My wife and I wanted to help her get back on her feet so we offered to let her stay as long as she liked.
Karen was my wife’s sister, a petite blonde with smallish breasts but a tight little butt that filled out blue jeans deliciously. She was so different from Mary, my wife of seven years, who had large beautiful breasts and perhaps a little too much ass. Karen also had far different sexual needs than my wife.
Mary wanted sex three or four times a month which often left me in the bathroom with a dirty magazine and a tired arm. Karen, so Mary told me, wanted sex with Eric every night. Often while I was taking care of business in the bathroom I would fantasize about Karen and how good it would be to have a wife who wanted sex as often as I did.
About two months after Karen moved in with us she started flirting with me. Teasing me about being almost as hard up as she was, and wearing tight jeans and wiggling a little extra when I was around. Mary noticed it too and mentioned it to me a couple of times saying that Karen was a hot bitch and she thought Karen was after me. I usually just said I hadn’t noticed.