Month: June 2010

Sister In Law Moves In

Karen came to stay with us when she and her husband Eric were getting divorced. Eric had begun drinking soon after they married and had soon become more interested in his beer than his wife. Needless to say it was a bad time for her. My wife and I wanted to help her get back on her feet so we offered to let her stay as long as she liked.

Karen was my wife’s sister, a petite blonde with smallish breasts but a tight little butt that filled out blue jeans deliciously. She was so different from Mary, my wife of seven years, who had large beautiful breasts and perhaps a little too much ass. Karen also had far different sexual needs than my wife.

Mary wanted sex three or four times a month which often left me in the bathroom with a dirty magazine and a tired arm. Karen, so Mary told me, wanted sex with Eric every night. Often while I was taking care of business in the bathroom I would fantasize about Karen and how good it would be to have a wife who wanted sex as often as I did.

About two months after Karen moved in with us she started flirting with me. Teasing me about being almost as hard up as she was, and wearing tight jeans and wiggling a little extra when I was around. Mary noticed it too and mentioned it to me a couple of times saying that Karen was a hot bitch and she thought Karen was after me. I usually just said I hadn’t noticed.

SHW8 Chrstine Makes a Deal

Christine walked through the door home from a long day at work just in time to hear the phone ring. “I wonder who that could be,” she thought as she hurried to the phone.

“Hello,” the beautiful young wife said.

“Hi Christine,” returned a male voice.

Christine said pleasantly, “Oh hi Bob. I’m afraid Jim isn’t here. Tonight he has class.” Bob was a friend of Christine’s husband and was a real estate broker.

Bob replied, “That’s OK Christine. Actually, it was you that I wanted to talk to.”

Bob had been after Christine to help him show property for some time. Bob knew from watching other female agents that Christine had the potential to be a good agent. She was young, only 26 years old and a bit shy but she had a pleasant personality. The thing that convinced Bob of her potential was her looks. Christine was a very attractive woman. Bob just knew that she could charm the socks off any prospective male buyer. She stood 5’4″ with gorgeous legs and a 38DD-26-38 figure. Her reddish brown hair framed a beautiful face and hazel eyes. So far Bob had been unable to interest Christine in changing careers.

Bob continued, “Listen, I have an opportunity for you and I think you’ll like it.”

“You want me to show a house,” guessed Christine.

Coed Dorm

Kathy walked down the hall of her dorm to return Jenn’s psychology notes. She noticed that Jenn’s door was partially open, and tapped on it and it opened a little bit more.

“Jenn?” she called. Kathy peeked in the door and saw Jenn’s boyfriend, Josh, asleep on the bed, naked. Her jaw dropped as she surveyed his fine body. She’d always thought Josh was cute, but had no idea just how built he was. She stared at his expansive chest and longed run her fingers across it. His cock was limp, but she imagined what it would look like fully erect.

After looking both ways down the hall, Kathy stepped into the room and shut the door. She dropped the notebook on the floor and noticed his nose twitch. She quickly removed her nightgown and underwear, her breath now coming fast. She crawled naked into the bed and lay next to Josh with her cheek on his chest.

His arm instinctively wrapped around her. Kathy swung her leg across his body, her leg brushing over his dick as she sat on his tummy. His eyes opened and a shocked look crossed his face. Kathy quickly leaned down and kissed him.

“What are you doing Kath?” He whispered. “Jenn’s in the shower. She’ll be back soon.”

SHW7 Anthony Brown Sweet Smelling Stud

After a year of hard work my project was finally finished. It was time for a vacation. Fortunately, the school year was ending and my wife Brenda would be rapping up her teaching duties in the next day or two. She had let me know a month earlier that she was ready for a little time off.

I made arrangements for two nights at a hotel in a nearby large city. I figured we would site see during the day and check out the night life at night. I told Brenda about my plans and she was thrilled.

Three days later we hopped into the car and took off. We spent the first day and night checking out the city as planned. We were so tired after all the days’ activities that we went straight to bed. I was a little disappointed that we hadn’t reserved the energy necessary to make love before retiring. I vowed that the next night would be different. I had plans and a surprise for my beautiful wife.

We slept late the next morning. We dressed, had brunch then resumed our tour of the city. Just before dark we had dinner at a nice restaurant. During the meal I told Brenda that I had a surprise for her back in the room. She begged me to tell her what it was but I told her it would wait until after dinner. It became a race to see who would finish first. She won. As we waited for the check she became annoyed at the waiter’s slowness. He wasn’t really slow but to Brenda it seemed that way. She was definitely very excited about the surprise.