“Oh, c’mon honey. We can’t see the screen with you standing there!”
Janice gave myself and my two friends a petulant, sulky look and stomped off to the kitchen.
“Oh well,” I said to Frank, sitting next to me, “I guess we better not ask her to bring us a beer!”
Frank and my other friend, Joey laughed as I got up from my seat to get the beers myself. “Tell me if I miss anything.”
The ball game had been an exciting one so far; the lead switching from team to team as the game progressed. I was reluctant to tear myself away from the TV, but we all needed that liquid refreshment essential to watching any sporting event!
“How long is this stupid game going on?” asked my wife as I opened the fridge, “I’m bored!”
She smiled that impish little grin at me. The one she knows I find hard to resist. “I’m also feeling a little horny, baby. C’mon, get rid of these guys and forget the game, I got something hot just for you!”
I thought about it. My wife can be a hot little bitch when she wants. But I stood firm. “Sorry honey, It’ll have to wait a while, the game’s just getting interesting, and the guys want their beer!”
I could almost feel her icy stare on my back as I returned to the lounge to resume watching the game. Frank, Joey and myself watched, drank and cheered as our team increased their lead. At one point I heard Janice stomping up the stairs and assumed that she was going to watch a soap or something on the TV in our bedroom. I paid no more attention to her until, several minutes later I heard her returning. Joey was sitting by the door and was the first to see her as she entered the room. His eyes stood out on stalks as he looked at my wife. Whilst she was upstairs, she had changed her clothes and now appeared before us barefoot and wearing only the briefest pair of shorts and a thin cotton t-shirt. It was obvious that she had not worn a bra under the shirt and her large breasts bobbed and jiggled under the thin material as she walked. Her attitude had changed as well. She stood in front of us smiling sweetly.
“Can I get you more drinks, boys?”
Frank and Joey seemed more interested in ogling her long, bare legs than watching the game as the quickly nodded their assent. Janice disappeared back into the kitchen and returned a moment later with three cold bottles. She sashayed around the room passing the drinks to my friends and giving them a good view of her legs, one of her best features, I might add. As she passed the last bottle to me she had a wicked grin on her face. I had seen this look before and it suddenly dawned on me what she was up to. Janice loves to flirt. She can be a real slut when she’s horny and we have both been known to take things further than just looking. The game was drawing to a close now and the result seemed settled. Perhaps it was time for a little bit of fun, I thought! I could see that Frank and Joey were trying to conceal obvious erections. Janice had been pestering me to buy her an expensive pair of shoes she had seen for the last two weeks. I had bought them already, but was keeping them as a surprise to give to her later. But now a different idea had formed in my head. Without a word, I quickly ran to the den and fetched the shoes, still neatly wrapped and in their box. I returned to the lounge and, opening the box showed my purchase to my two friends. They both looked and agreed that they looked really elegant.