I am currently dating a graduate student who attends my school named Eric. Things had been going really well and our sex life has been amazing. Over the past few weeks however, he has been hinting and joking that he wants to have a three-way with me and one of his friends. When he first brought it up, I joked back “Oh yeah, which one of your friends?” and he answered back “I don’t care honey, any one of them!” It has usually come up when we are fooling around right before sex and I wasn’t sure if he was serious or not.
Some of his friends are cute, all of them are older (in their late 20’s and early 30’s) and I found myself thinking about it a little bit. Since Eric is older and in grad school, he doesn’t know about my past “history” as someone who likes to have fun. After a few weeks, he began to bring up the subject of a three-way more and more, and although I was secretly thinking about trying it, I continued to tell him that it was out of the question. It seemed that the more out of the question I made it seem, the more he joked about it.
His 30th birthday was coming up on October 27th, right before Halloween, and he told me that his friends were going to throw him a private party at his friend Todd’s apartment and that I couldn’t come. “It’s just for the guys” he said. Well, a few days before Eric’s birthday, we were out a bar with Eric and his friends. Eric got up to go to the bar to get some drinks. His friend Todd reached for his wallet to get some money to give to Eric when I saw a card fall out of his wallet. I saw a picture of a woman on the card so I reached down and snatched it up. In bright pink letters it said “Tina’s Dancers & Escorts.” It had phone numbers and a picture of a cheap looking stripper. I looked at Todd and he flushed bright red as I handed him back the card and smiled. “Lonely Todd?” I said jokingly. He flushed even brighter red and quickly put it back in his wallet. Eric and the other guys were busy handling money and giving it to Eric for the round of drinks so none of them saw the exchange between me and Todd or saw that I had seen the card.
The next day, after sobering up from the night of drinking, I remembered the card Todd had in his wallet and put two and two together. They must be getting a stripper for Eric’s party I thought. I wanted to find out for sure so I quickly pulled out the town yellow pages and found Tina’s Dancers & Escorts. I called them and a woman answered the phone. I asked her if they had a party scheduled for that Saturday at Todd’s apartment, crossing my fingers because I didn’t know Todd’s last name. “Yeah we do, Todd Walker, 10 pm, why do you want to know?”
I explained to her that it was for my boyfriend’s birthday party. “Oh I see, we get that a lot, jealous are you, well don’t worry darling, when Todd and his friend called up a few days ago, they asked me about both strippers and escorts. They were arguing about which one to get but eventually decided on a stripper.” Both relieved and intrigued, I asked her what she told them about escorts. She said “I told them that our escorts would do whatever the guys wanted, but only for one guy, and that’s when they started arguing. I told them that the stripper would give lap dances for all the guys and ‘play around’ a little bit if they paid extra. Then I told them that we have a few girls who are both escorts and strippers but that they are extra. They debated that for a minute amongst themselves but then settled on a stripper.”
Feeling both jealous and excited about a stripper giving Eric a lap dance, a light when off in my head. I told the woman on the phone “Listen, what would it take for you to cancel their stripper. I am going to go myself and have a little fun with them.” The woman said, “Well we would have to get paid, I don’t want them calling up complaining the next day or that night.” I told her that I would pay myself and she said that she would have now problem with that. I borrowed the money from a friend and went down to Tina’s office that afternoon and paid them in advance for the stripper that they weren’t even going to send. The woman gave me Todd’s address and reminded me that I was supposed to be there at 10 pm. She also told me that my name was supposed to be “Alex” short for Alexandria.
I started thinking about what I wanted to do. This was going to be the best joke I ever played on anyone! I knew I didn’t want Eric and the guys to recognize me so I had to do some things to make myself look very different. Eric had the first draft of his thesis due that Monday and he said he wanted to have it done before his birthday so I knew I wouldn’t see him at all before the party. I shaved all of my pubic hair off (for the first time in my life by the way).