I’ve had some memorable experiences at some house parties, but none can really compare to one that happened a few years ago. The lesson is this: don’t be afraid to let the night take you where it will.
A casual friend at work told me that he was having a party at his house that Saturday. It was nothing fancy: just a few dozen friends getting together to have drinks, listen to loud music, perhaps dance a bit, and hang out by his pool.
The offer was made early in the week and sounded good. By the time Friday rolled around, however, I was beat. I thought I’d spend the weekend catching some much-needed Z’s and watching baseball.
But my wife would have none of that. I’d told her about the party earlier on when I’d gotten the invite. Renee said I could sleep in on Saturday morning, but that night I’d better be ready to take her out for some fun.
I could definitely see her side of things, so I sucked it up. I took a quick shower to reinvigorate myself and threw on some fresh clothes. Beginning to catch my second wind, I actually started to look forward to some socializing on the drive over.
Upon arriving, my work friend Ray poured us drinks and introduced us around to some of the other people at the party. As we talked and mingled, Renee and I got separated for awhile. No matter. We’re not the type of couple who needs to cling to each other at a party.
We’d catch each other’s eyes from time to time as we moved in and out of different small groups of people. I’d smile and she’d smile back and wink. After a couple of hours, I felt a tug on my arm. Renee extracted me from a conversation I was having with another couple and pulled me aside.
She was a little bit flushed and obviously tipsy. She explained to me how she’d just been in the kitchen having a conversation with a tall good-looking guy named James. I recognized the name as that of another co-worker. Renee went on to tell me how James had been shamelessly flirting with her and how she’d gotten a little turned on by his suggestive talk. She told me she was ready to go home and have a little “one-on-one” time.