Evan heard the door to the college darkroom open behind him, and a stream of light came pouring into the room. “Close the door, dammit!” he yelled, trying to shield his developing film from the light. “You’re going to ruin the film!”
“Sorry,” a female voice said, and the door slammed shut. Evan whirled around, ready to yell again, and saw Minh, one of the women from his photography class.
“It’s okay,” he said. Minh was far too beautiful to yell at. She stepped forward into the red light, bringing a whisper of her perfume – musk and oranges – wafting to his nose. The light reflected off her shiny black hair, hanging in a long braid down her back. Her face was heart-shaped, her eyes were wide and brown, and her lips pouted prettily at him. Evan swallowed.
“I was hoping you’d be in here,” Minh said. She stepped forward again, until her body was almost pressing against his. Evan could see down the front of her shirt to the shadow between her pert breasts. His cock rose to attention, pressing lightly against Minh’s stomach. She spread her hands across his chest, stroking her fingers across his nipples. Standing on tiptoe, she lifted her head and kissed him lightly on the mouth. “I’ve been watching you since the first week of classes.”