Category: masturbation

My New Wife

I was going out with Rochelle for about six months. I knew her, and we were friends for 9 years. She is very pretty, slender with hot body, a brunette with big dark eyes and dark naturally tanned skin. She has nice square shoulders, 36 C breasts and a nice wide ass. That comes with the territory because she is of Mexican heritage.

During those 9 years she was married and so was I, and just recently we both got divorced. After a few months of going out to clubs etc. both her and I got tiered of the bar scene.

That’s when we got together for one date and the rest is history. I proposed to her 3 months ago and she accepted. Because of our family situation, I had two kids and she had two kids from our previous marriages, we didn’t want a big wedding and decided to elope at Lake Tahoe chapel.

After the ceremony we came back to Sacramento. It was Saturday night and since we didn’t have a reception we decided to go out and celebrate. We got a babysitter for our kids and went out.

We started in a club near the house we were renting. When we walked in, it was evident that my new wife was going to attract attention all night long. She was wearing a short leopard skirt that left her beautiful dark long legs bare, accentuated by the black high heals on her feet. Her brown blouse was buttoned down in front but it was just short of meeting the top of her skirt so it always left her stomach bare with her belly button showing. She wore just the right amount of make up with red lipstick that always left her lips looking moist.

She was hot and a lot of guys were checking her out. I felt safe because I knew how she was, unless I initiated something, she wasn’t going to start. She attended church every Sunday with her kids and never went out. She was very sexually inactive and always had sex in a missionary position. That was one of the things I was looking forward to, was to try different things sexually with her. My new wife was a 32 year old virgin when it came to sex.

I immediately ordered us two shots of tequila each and a beer to chase it down with.

“Honey, take it easy, you don’t want me to get drunk right away…” She said.

“Well since this is our wedding night babe…anything goes…” I answered.

Lynn Buys New Shoes Without Panties On

My husband is a bastard. And I love him. He calls me a bitch. And he loves me. Our marriage and our sex are both perfect. We often make bets on football and basketball games. Not for money — but for sex. Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose. When I win, I make the bastard pay. Last week I teased and tormented him an entire evening before I finally let him jack off to relieve the pain in his balls. But, this week, he won the bet. That bastard made me wear a thigh high miniskirt and a revealing blouse without bra and panties and make a trip to the mall.

I put it on I thought my legs still looked pretty damn good for a twenty seven year old broad but, shit, when I bend over even a little bit people are going to see my ass and that hairy pussy between my thighs. That skirt was short!

I was as uncomfortable as hell walking through the mall with all those guys staring at me, and hoping we would not meet someone we knew. As much as I would have denied it, this new outfit excited me. But, I would never admit it to that bastard who walked along beside me. I thought I had paid off my bet by letting him watch the guys we passed leer at my legs and bouncing boobs, but I was wrong.

“Let’s stop here,” said Bob, as we stopped in front of a shoe store. “Baby I want you to pick out some spike heels. Any kind you want.”

We walked into the store and Bob sat down in a chair near the back. I looked around the shoe store and saw that we were the only customers. As I stood looking at the shoes, a young man came up.

“May I help you?”

There was no one else around. Shit! The bastard had planned this! There was more to this bet than walking around the mall. I realized that in that thigh high mini that shoe salesman was going to get a good look at my thighs — maybe more. I turned to look at Bob, and saw him sitting there with a grin on his face watching me.

“Do you see something you like?” one young man asked.

I pointed to an attractive shoe on display. It looked like my size. “I would like to try these on and see other shoes like these.” I was nervous, but a bet is a bet.

Party Surprise

Ever wondered how far your wife would go with someone else? Whether she acts differently when you’re not there? Here’s my experience and believe me it was a shock.

It started at her office Christmas Party. Because there had been too many restrictions the year before with party poopers and politically correct bores it had been decided to have it at a private house. That way it wasn’t technically anything to do with the firm and they didn’t need to invite the spoilsports anyway. So they let it be known it was going to be noisy, naughty and the drink was going to flow. It was up to each employee to decide if they wanted to bring their partner – all were welcome.

My wife wanted me to join her and I agreed. We are a quiet couple and my wife is usually very shy – and unfortunately a bit straight-laced. Or so I thought! Now we like to enjoy ourselves and have a dance and a drink – but we’re never exactly wild and loud. Anyway you’ve got the picture – so there we were and the party was in full swing. Trouble was I couldn’t drink because of medication but that was ok – it was after all my wife’s party and I told her to enjoy herself – no problem.

My wife had spent time circulating and chatting while I was happy to watch the “going’s on” and antics of the crowd when the alcohol started to take effect. When my wife rejoined me I commented on how some people seemed to be getting out of hand. Hands were wandering up skirts and down blouses and men’s crotches were being felt.

“It’s only a bit of harmless fun,” said my wife. That was the first surprise! Usually she would be the first to frown on public displays of sex. I noticed a woman with two men – one was giving her hell of a passionate kiss while the other waited his turn. The men managed to do the same with several women – some while their husbands were nearby. I commented again to my wife.

“They’re just enjoying themselves – it’s only because it’s Christmas,” she said quietly. She seemed to be envious and I felt a bit unsettled about it. It was as though she thought my presence was spoiling her fun. Feeling annoyed I asked her a question.

“So if I wasn’t here those men would be groping you too?”

“Well they might do that anyway – they don’t seem to care do they?”

Her reply shocked me but worse was to come.

“You wouldn’t object to them dragging you off to a dark corner to have a feel of your tits while they slobbered all over you then? They’re doing a bit more than giving a Christmas kiss under the mistletoe aren’t they?” There was a tone in my voice.

“They are nice guys really – I’ve always found them ok. It’s just them having fun. I don’t see anyone complaining.” She would never normally have been so broad-minded.

Surprise Lingerie Party

I was away on one of my usual business trips. I had already been away from home 6 days and I had 3 more left to go. I would be getting back on Sunday…missing yet another weekend to have fun. As I was sitting there in my hotel room that night… fiddling around online with my laptop… my cell phone rang. It was the owner of my company. Plans changed and he would not be able to make it out to meet me tomorrow. He said to go ahead take the next flight home if I wanted. I called the airline right away…figuring I could still make one that night and surprise my wife. Unfortunately, I could not get out until the next day, Friday evening. For some reason, I could hardly sleep that night. I just really wanted to get home to my wife. I guess I am just getting a little tired of all this traveling. Sometimes I think it might be time for a career change… but anyway… back to the story.

I decided not to tell Sue that I was coming home early. I figured when I got home she would be at the gym and I could sneak in the house and surprise her when she got home. It was a long flight to Denver. Then an even longer drive home from the airport. I stopped and got some flowers and then on to the house. As I pulled up, I was surprised to see that Sue’s car was home…so was her friend Elizabeth’s and quite a few others that I did not recognize.

I walked up to the front door and let myself in. As I opened the door, I heard a bunch of female voices in the house. So much for my surprise I thought. Just as I was going into the living room, I was stopped by a woman I had never seen before. She blurted out “Oh my goodness! It’s a man! What are you doing here?” she said as she caught her balance on the wall. “Oh, brining me flowers huh?”

I replied, “this is my house, and sorry, these are for my wife.” “Ohhhhh” she said, “you must be Sue’s husband” ” yes, that would be me.” I said, as I detected the strong odor of alcohol on her. “What is going on here? Where is my wife?”

“Well, we ladies are having a little party.” She giggled, “I think Sue is out on the deck.” So, that is where I headed. As I passed the living room and kitchen, I got a few squeals and giggles. Another woman looked at me in surprise and covered herself saying, “Eek, a man!” At that point I noticed that she a few of the ladies were wearing bras and panties, and some in teddies, there were two on the couch holding up a pair of stockings examining them. I thought “what the hell is going on, is this what they do whenever I am gone?”

Swimming Lessons

My name is Karla and I’m thirty years old and in my second marriage. My new husband David is purchasing a larger sailboat. We intend to do some cruising and he has a lot of free time and we would perhaps go on some lengthy trips.

I had never learned to swim and at my age found myself enrolled in swimming lessons. I’m fine with boats just never learned to swim. The idea is for me to learn at least enough to save myself and the fact I love water helps make it interesting for me.

I was going three times per week to the club where David had a membership that offered afternoon classes and it was sort of nice that most of the people there were ladies. They were almost all much older then me but I knew a lot of them from the various clubs so I was comfortable.

I had bought a couple of semi bikini two piece bathing suits. I modelled them in front of the mirror when I got home and didn’t really care for what first hit my eyes. I have long black hair past my shoulders and of course I have the same below and just a little too much of it was poking out around the edges of that narrow strip style of bottom.

I decided to take care of that right away as my lessons started the next day. I went in the shower and let the water run on me as I soaped my tummy and pubic area until the jet black hair was laying down and almost looked like ringlets. I got a good lather with some soft lotion soap that would be easy on my skin.

I took the razor that I use under my arms, clicked a new blade in it and started around the outer edges. I trimmed from the outside in until it was smooth and there was only a strip left. I shaved between my legs all the way along and worked at getting it even. I was left with a trimmed strip that barely even covered the centre part of my private area.

I turned on the water and used the hand held to flush the bits of hair down the drain and then turned the warm spray on me and rinsed myself. I was a bit tender with slight razor burns. My skin is quite soft so I rubbed the area a bit with a skin lotion and it felt better and I rinsed and used my hand to comb it. The shaving and the touching and looking at myself down there in the mirror got to be a bit erotic.

I found myself going to the lotion soap and lathering the area again. I slid my finger between my legs opening the lips gently so I could rub inside my sensitive slit. The warm water sprayed over my body as I lay back and gently moved my finger until the wicked sexy sensation started. I used two fingers with one on each side of the sensitive little hard spot just touching it gently. When I inserted my middle finger between the soft folds I was again reminded how I was still small and tight there almost like when I was young.

Office Competition

Surprisingly one of my most interesting sexual experiences began with a sales competition at work.

Three months prior to the experience I am about to share we set up a new sales team at our office comprised of three women. Up until that point my co-worker Matt and I had done all of the outside sales for the regional office of a large computer systems company. The new team, who we referred to as the girls, included Lisa, Marie and Jennifer. They are all in their early 30’s, unattached and are really cool. They all had a great attitude and worked hard and played hard. Each of them had some industry experience; they got along like life-long buddies and were proving to be quite a good sales team. Although as far as Matt and I were concerned they couldn’t hold a candle to us.

In January the company set up a little competition between our team and the girls’ team. Besides a nice bonus, the winners would get a trip to Jamaica. The competition would last for a quarter and even though the girls had us out numbered we felt we had a sure thing. We had the major accounts and knew the market.

By the end of the first week in March we were $200,000 ahead of the girls and decided to invite them to happy hour to gloat a bit. We grabbed a big booth at a bar near the office and when the waitress arrived Matt and I ordered a beer. Lisa said, “Yes beers all around and 5 shots of tequila.”

After our third round of beers and shots the girls were getting pretty rowdy and we were doing a good job of rubbing in our $200K lead. Then Jennifer stood up and said, “big deal, we’re going to kick your ass.”

“Yeh right,” I responded.

“Ok big guy,” said Marie “let’s sweeten the pot … if we win, you two guys will be our slaves for an evening, if you win we’re yours.” Matt and I were both dumb struck.

“What’s the matter super salesmen, cat got your tongue?” said Jennifer.

I looked at Matt and said, “they’re nuts,” then I turned to the girls and told them they were on.

Looking back on things now, it was pretty obvious we were set up. The girls closed a major account with a national retailer the next week. They had this in their pocket all the time and played us like absolute suckers.

On April 1st Matt and I both got the same email. “Hello fools or should I say slaves. Show up at Marie’s house 2412 Canyon Drive at 6pm on Saturday … doesn’t be late. Bring some casual clothes to change in to after your chores.”

Well a bets a bet so Matt and I hooked up about 4 pm for a few pre humiliation beers. It had been a hot day in LA so we were both wearing shorts and t-shirts. We expected to clean house, serve drinks and be generally teased by the girls. The following morning they were heading off for Jamaica so we assumed they would spend a good part of the evening rubbing that in our noses.

We showed up at 5:59 pm and our expectations weren’t that far off. The girls met us drinks in hand in their new tropical leisure attire … sarongs and sexy halter tops. They all looked stunning. Lisa and Marie are both tall lean brunettes while Jennifer is bit shorter but has one of those great curvy, well endowed bodies. “Hi losers,” they greeted us in unison, “time to get to work.” For the first hour we served them rum drinks and appetizers while they chatted in the living room. We cleaned the kitchen, the bathrooms and the pool. They’d occasionally check in on us to tell us what losers we were, give cleaning orders, and generally just laugh at us. About every 20 minutes or so they’d yell slaves, slaves our drinks are empty and we’d mix them another round.

Post Party Mature Massage

My girlfriend and I once took a sensual massage lesson offered by the Learning Annex. It was a lot of fun and made me open to the use of candles, oil and taking your time with the opposite sex. It even helped my relationship with my difficult and demanding mother, for I would give her a neck and shoulder or foot massage occasionally. After a day or two we’d find something to argue about again, but for a while there was peace.

Two years ago Alice, a long-divorced friend of my mother’s was getting married, so mom threw her a bachelorette party. I think another woman arranged it, but it was at our house, and I was ordered to leave the house and not come back until midnight. At five after midnight I arrived home from my girlfriends after a decent night of sex and pizza to find the party still in full swing and a male dancer throwing himself all over the ladies. The dancer glared at me in open hostility. I glared back and went to the family room on the other side of the house. I guess he liked being the center of attention or felt my arrival stopped the flow of tips into his g-string or something. Whatever the case, he left shortly and the women returned to some drinking games and the opening of gag gifts.

My viewing of Saturday Night Live was interrupted by shouts of my name. Curious, I went back to the living room and found that a collection was being taken to get me to give Alice a sensual massage then and there. It was my mother’s idea and she put her arms around me and did her best to convince me to go along. Other women clapped in agreement. I was tired, but agreeable. The person really needing convincing was Alice, who kept saying “No”. Some of the women plied her with alcohol to get her to change her mind and guilt-tripped her over all the money collected, a very respectable total of $73.00. My mother gave me the money and told me to light a candle or two in the guest bedroom and heat up some oil. I did, but I fully expected Alice to chicken out. She’s a vice-principal at a junior high school and very straightlaced: lots of hair spray, makeup and always conservatively dressed. Even tonight, a night to let her hair down, she looked like she was going to work in a long navy-colored dress.

I lit the candles, warmed up my only massage oil in the microwave for a few seconds and lay down on the bed. Minutes passed and I began thinking what cds I would buy with the money, then I fell asleep. An hour later my mother and two friends knocked on the door, escorting a wobbly Alice. They were all drunk or close to it. Alice still resisted, which was why they were escorting her. Another delay ensued when Alice said she could never take her clothes off in front of me, so mom got her a robe and they took her “under guard” down the hall to change.

The three women practically pushed the reluctant Alice back in the room and slammed the door. Alice, tipsy for the only time in my memory, kept repeating that this was “crazy, crazy, crazy”. I said the same thing, but got her to lie down across the bed face-up. I sat in a chair by the side of the bed and massaged her head, face and neck and shoulders for 15 minutes. She seemed to enjoy it and chatted away nervously between actual sighs of pleasure. Mom and friends came back to check on her about then. They convinced her to get her hands out of the robe sleeves and turn over on her stomach so that I could do her back. Alice thought that was too intimate and said “no”. The women insisted, but Alice said “No way”. More argument followed, then Alice finally agreed, so long as she could keep her bra on. Mom’s drunk friend Betty would have none of that and unfastened Alice’s bra herself with a scream of delight. They all ran out of the room after that. I locked the door behind them and stopped Alice from re-hooking her bra.

“Just keep your arms at your sides and I won’t see a thing” I smiled. Not strictly true, but…

Au Pair

The house was empty, or so it seemed. Tom took off his jacket and hung it over the back of a chair in the living room. He went to the kitchen and took a beer from the fridge. Opening it, he took a long swig and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

“Ah… the weekend. Let the good times roll!” he thought to himself.

He started to climb the stairs of the house, taking off his tie with his free hand. He took another swig of his beer, and heard what sounded like a moan. He stopped on the stairs and turned around. Seeing no one, he shrugged his shoulders and continued up the stairs.

He arrived at the landing and again heard the noise, louder this time. He looked around and again saw no one. He walked towards the master bedroom, passing by the au pairs door. He noticed that it was slightly ajar, and then heard another moan. He stopped and listened. The house was silent accept for the occasional moan. He wanted to know where it was coming from. Another moan, or was it more of a grunt? He knew where it was coming from this time.

Tom crept up to the au pairs door, and slowly eased it open. The site that met his eyes caused his heart to beat faster. There, lying on her bed, naked as the days she was born, was Sylvie, the au pair. Her eyes were closed. Her left hand was feeling her right breast, pinching her nipple. Her right hand was wrapped around the end of a vibrator that she was busy plunging in and out of her pussy.

Tom watched mesmerized by her display. Her breathing was becoming more urgent and her thrusting was getting faster. Her hand was a blur as she thrust the fake penis in and out of her with speed. Tom could feel his own sense of arousal. He looked down and could see the bulge forming at the front of his trousers. He returned his attentions back to Sylvie. She stopped tweaking her nipple and ran her hand down her body. She started to feverishly rub her clitoris whilst still keeping the momentum of her thrusting.

She started to thrash her head about. Her moans were now more audible and regular. She started to raise her hips in time with her thrusting.

“Oh my God!!!!” she screamed as she shuddered to her climax. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

She was still rubbing her clit but she had slowed down with both hands. She pulled the vibrator out and brought it up to her mouth. She stuck out her tongue and began to lick it clean. Tom leant against the doorframe, making a creaking sound. Sylvie turned her head.

“Mr. Green! Oh my… I am… oh dear….”, she mumbled, trying in vain to cover herself.

Kissing The Bride

“Kissing the bride is such a sexist tradition.”

“You would prefer that guests just fuck the bride?” I joked.

Kimmy’s reply shocked me. “You would just love that, wouldn’t you Jeff?” Then she stuck her tongue out at me. “You are such a perv.”

Though no prude, she was by all appearances conventional about sex. I enjoyed teasing her about the contrast between her gender liberation and her sexual conservatism. Occasionally, I hinted at the ‘open marriage’ lifestyle I shared with her mother, but never to explicitly. There were certain rules that Ruth, my wife, Kimmy’s mom, insisted on. Not letting family know was one of them.

Like her mother, my step daughter liked to defy expectations. Ever since she was a young girl, life played by Kimmy’s rules, not the other way around. Now as she her wedding approached, her mother, and her future mother-in-law, wanted to run it all. Kimmy would have none of that. So, since her biological father was again half way around the world on an oil rig, she turned to me to mediate.

My reward was watching her, now a week before the wedding, model gowns for me. The stuffy traditional model favored by the mothers, and the low-cut backless sheer designer gown she preferred. With both of them, she wore stay up stockings and an under wire half cup bra. I was so busy bobbing my eyes from her legs to her chest I barely registered the dresses. Still, while she switched back into her casual clothes behind her half shut door, I had sensibly agreed with her choice.

When she emerged, tiny diamond glistening in her ‘slut gut’, I had a hard time not preferring the loveliness of her tan legs bared against the ivory hose, and her extraordinarily large but naturally firm breasts hardly needed the enhancement of the bra. ‘But why,’ I puzzled, ‘did she want the demi-cup? What if her nipples got stiff?’

The Exhibitionist

My name is Michelle and I enjoy being an exhibitionist. I like to tell true stories of exposing myself or being exposed by my boyfriend. If I get a good response to this story, I’ll write more. I think true stories are much more exciting to read than made up stories, although true stories tend to be a bit less wild.

I had an exciting weekend. My boyfriend Jim took me out on the town on Saturday, and I wore one of the sexy outfits he’d bought me for Valentine’s Day. The cut off crop top and hip hugger type, micro mini skirt were more appropriate for warmer weather, but I was anxious to wear them. It was the first time I’d tried it on, and you wouldn’t believe how low it dips down in front, almost down to my hairline (that is if I wasn’t shaved). You could actually see my hipbones and lot’s of skin lower down when I walked. I felt almost naked. The skirt was almost low enough to expose the tattoo right above my pussy which says, “Watch out, it’s really hot down here” with an arrow pointing down. My bikini panties only just barely cover up what it says down there. I was shaved when the artist wrote it for me, so if I let the hair grow out, it covers the sentence up.

Jim took me out to dinner at a very nice place. I had a black blazer on over the crop top because Jim had snipped a bit too much off the lower portion of the crop top. It was so high, most of my breasts were exposed out of the bottom when I’d reach up or arch my back or put my hands behind my neck. I’m only 34B, but my breasts are still nice and firm for my young 32 years of age. My breasts are topped by what Jim describes as prized, very pink nipples. I’m 5’8″ tall with very long legs. My torso is quite long as well, so when I’m wearing a bikini or crop tops with shorts there is a lot of skin showing. And if you got to know me personally you’d find out I like showing as much skin as possible.

After dinner Jim took me to a nice, rather dark nightclub that had a live band. The club was packed mostly with people in our age group. After three drinks I was feeling no pain and mentioned to Jim that I was getting very warm. He quickly suggested I take off the blazer. I reminded him that I had the short crop top on, that he’d trimmed even shorter, and the hip hugger micro mini skirt that was almost exposing my pussy. He said, so what, we both know you like showing off a bit, and besides I don’t see anyone here that we know. Do you see any of your friends? I had to say that I didn’t see anyone I knew. “Well, then” he said, “why not take off the blazer or at least open the two buttons and see if you don’t feel a lot cooler?” I remember saying “oh I suppose.”

At first I felt more comfortable just unbuttoning the two buttons, but keeping the blazer close together in the front. While sipping still another drink, I felt Jim pulling the blazer all the way open for me. Isn’t he nice? Although there were other young ladies about my age in the place, none of them had crop tops on that were shortened anywhere near as much as mine. Feeling the effects of all the drinks, I was really enjoying all the guys and even their dates or wives seeing so much of my exposed body. At first I was careful to lean forward and keep my elbows on the table to keep the cropped top down. But it wasn’t long before I sat up straight and got a little more careless, exposing the lower part of my breasts for everyone nearby to see. I get very wet between my legs when I know I’m creating a spectacle and I love being noticed. Jim gets quite turned on himself whenever I’m showing a lot of my body. He likes to reach down and open an extra button or two on my already too short skirts. He loves seeing my exposed upper thighs and really gets excited displaying me to complete strangers.

Fucking Myself

I sit down at my computer desk, enjoying the feel of the soft leather chair on my naked skin. I’ve just had another unsatisfying night with my boring boyfriend, and my pussy is aching with need. I can feel my juices leaking onto the chair below me, puddling onto the slick material. All I can think about is the throbbing between my legs and how badly I need to cum.

I turn on my webcam and wonder who will be watching me tonight. I roll one nipple between my fingers, casually teasing myself, showing my camera my 32E breasts as I twist and flick the pale, hard nubs. I reach down and plunge two fingers into the wetness there, then rub my pussy juice onto my rapidly stiffening nipples. My breasts are glistening with arousal, and I lift one breast to my mouth, licking and sucking the juice from my smooth, pale skin.

I take one hand and begin to slowly rub the outside of my pussy lips, skimming my clit, but not touching it. I stroke my thighs and rub soft fingers around the outside of my cunt, teasing, feeling the juices from my pussy dripping onto my chair and onto the shaved skin surrounding it. Flipping back my long, dark hair, I aim the webcam directly at my pussy, then spread my legs wide to display the rosy, slick slit for anyone who happens to be watching. My pussy lips are swollen and hot, and I spread them open to display my tight, aching hole to the camera.

I grab my smallest vibrator from the drawer beside me. Six inches long, slender, and purple, I can already feel it buzzing against my clit. First, though, I lick the tip, pretending it’s a real cock, then suck the head into my mouth. I imagine a hot, stiff dick in place of the vibrator, and slide it down my throat, fucking my mouth with it and getting it nice and wet. Holding it to the the skin just above my clit, I turn it to the lowest setting. A moan escapes my mouth, and I can’t wait any longer. I open my dancer’s legs as far as I can and press the vibrator directly to my clit, sliding two fingers into my cunt with the the other hand. I slide them in and out a couple times, then turn the vibrator up to full. I can feel an orgasm crashing towards me, and shove three fingers inside my slit, pumping them in and out of my pussy as the vibrator stimulates my clit. I’m so turned on that it only takes a couple more seconds before I cum explosively, moaning, lifting my hips to push my fingers further in. My pussy is clenching my fingers, and my pussy juice is squirting onto my hands and even dripping its way onto the floor as my hips continue to buck.

Breathing heavily, I slowly come down from my orgasmic wave, slowly kneading one large breast in my hand. My pussy is still throbbing, and I gently begin to push the tip of the switched-off vibrator in and out, fucking myself just with the tip. I’m so wet and slick that it slides in without difficulty, and my arousal is growing too fast to be satisfied with the slender toy. I reach for my favourite toy- the ten inch long, two and a half inch thick dildo. It’s a little rubbery, but my tight pussy can hardly take its girth.

I’m so covered in pussy juice that I don’t bother to lube it up. Instead, I simply begin to push the wide tip into the tight hole, thinking as I do about the hard shaft about to split me in two. Two, three, four inches, and I’m aching for more. My cunt is stretched almost to the limit, trying to take in the huge cock, and I keep pushing, legs spread wide. Five, six, seven inches, and I feel like I’m stuffed to the limit, but I need it all, and suddenly I’ve got ten inches of dildo stuffed inside my frantically aroused pussy. I pull it out, just a couple inches, then shove it back in again, pounding it home like a hard cock. I fuck myself with it, I cry out, I’m so turned on I can’t think about anything but thrusting that thick dildo into my pussy.

I feel the orgasm shuddering up within me, and I fuck myself faster and faster as the heat rises up within me. Finally, I explode, moaning and bucking my hips for my invisible voyeurs. The orgasm lasts almost twenty seconds. I’m shaking and squirting juice onto the already soaking wet chair, and I don’t even have the energy to remove the thick shaft still inside me.

In the end, I lie naked in my chair in a puddle of my own juices, dildo stuck inside my pussy, satisfied and wondering if anyone else enjoyed my performance.

Want to see more? Click here and check out Live Cams Live Girls for your own sexy webcam adventure!

Bananas For Sex

My line of work involves delivering and hooking up TV’s to our customers who aren’t able to do so. Most frequently it’s older or informed people who require my services, which was the case – at least that’s what I thought – when I went into the showroom to cover for the manager. An older couple came in, purchased a cable-ready television and requested that it be delivered to their home. I informed them I was the one who took care of these installations and added that I’d be over the following day to hook up their system.

As they left the store, it appeared that their daughter or niece – a very attractive young lady or about 20 or 21. had come to the store to meet them. After a quick chat with the older couple, the girl came in and told me that she would be home the following day to accept the television deliver. I watched her exit the store, and as the light hit her sundress, I could see that she wore no panties underneath. Her perfect ass and crack were completely visible from my vantage point.

Upon reaching her home the next day, I was suddenly snapped into an advanced sexual state. The front door totheir home was open as was the screen door – and my hands were full of equipment, I let myself in. Instantly, the heady aroma of sex was in the air. I called out to Laura but received no reply. Then I saw her; totally naked, sprawled out on the floor with her back against the couch and a banana buried in her twat. “Close the door,” she said quickly! Now, this was a strange scene. Here was this gorgeous, young brunette, whom I’d only met a day earlier, laid out in the living room floor with Chiquita bananas all around her. (more…)

Theater Experience

Doug and I were regulars at a swingers club in Dallas. During the three years we dated we went to the club almost every Saturday night and always had a great time. I wasn’t really into the swing scene but loved going to the club to dance. Though I had no interest in “swinging”, we were quite popular with other couples at the club.

One Saturday evening we arrived around 10:00. The parking lot was already packed and we had difficulty finding a parking spot. He finally found a spot in the lot across the street. We parked and made the trek across the street to the club. It was in a warehouse district, and being such, the streets themselves were deserted except for those going to the club.

As we walked through the doors into the club, all eyes turned toward us. I was about 29 or 30 at the time and Doug was around 34. I was a slim 130 lbs. at a height of 5’8″ with long shapely legs and a great tan. Doug was 5″11 and 190 lbs. and black. We were quite a contrast to the mostly white clientele of this club and for some reason people liked to watch us.

We worked our away around to the back of the club, speaking to those we knew along the way. The bar and pool table were at the back and I always played a game or two of pool before we danced.

Boyfriend Makes Me a Lesbian

I hung up the phone, totally numb. I had just called Jeff to tell him I couldn’t come home this weekend because I had a big exam to study for, and we wound getting into an argument, which culminated with him breaking up with me on the phone. I started crying hysterically, and couldn’t seem to catch my breath. I thought Jeff and I would be together forever, but he just told me not to bother coming home for him, because he didn’t want to see me anymore.

I grabbed the phone to call him back, and got a busy signal. I slammed the phone down, and then called my friend Rebecca. I had just met her since I had come to college, but we had quickly become close friends, telling each other things we didn’t tell anyone else. For instance, she told me she was a lesbian, and didn’t want anyone in her sorority to know. She was afraid of the gossip, and of maybe even being kicked out.

Becca answered, and through the sobs, I told her what happened. She said she would be right over, and to just try to relax and calm down. I sat there numb, but it didn’t seem like two minutes later, when Becca knocked on my dorm room door. I let her in, and she gave me a big hug, and let me cry on her shoulder. She guided me back to my bed, where she just stroked my hair, and rocked me slowly while I cried my heart out.

My Wife At The Party

We were invited to a colleague’s New Year’s party. My wife Julie hates parties and I mentioned it nervously, firmly expecting that she would refuse. I was surprised when she accepted with no fuss.

Our marriage had been going through a rough phase lately. I had once pressed her to make love to another man in my presence but she had indignantly refused.

“If I am going to fuck someone else it will be because I want to and in private not for your entertainment.” she had said. Wanting to save my marriage, I backed off and had said no more.

When the party invite arrived, I knew it was not going to be a swinging affair. I could but hope it might be exciting.

She must have sensed my hopeful eagerness and expected the worst. I didn’t imagine that is why she agreed to come and assumed she just wanted to please me to help save the marriage but, in the light of events, I am not as sure now.

At the weekend, she spent the afternoon getting ready and surprised me by getting out a very sexy dress with a low, revealing neckline resulting in a stunning display of cleavage.

Inventory Control

God, I can’t believe that I did it! And anyone who reads this I want to be the first to caution you against doing what I did. It will really screw you up at work, and even if you do have a moment of nastily wonderful excitement, what comes after probably isn’t worth it.

It happened one Saturday afternoon when my boss Phil and I were doing some overtime trying to finish up the cycle counts on the inventory at work. We’d had nothing but computer problems all week and had fallen way behind with the cycle count updates. By working all Saturday we would be able to catch up so that the inventory would be totally caught up on Monday.

I had been working since 8 o’clock that morning and for some reason my thoughts kept going back to the weekend before when my boyfriend Rob and I had spent the whole Saturday in bed having great sex. He’s such a stud and he always makes me crazy with lust when we decide to spend the day under the covers.

Rob had been away all week on a trip back east to visit his ailing father. And I couldn’t get the memory of his big stiff weenie out of my mind. I could envision it in all its glory; the way it looked when we’d start out, so huge and thick. Then after his first orgasm how slick it was, almost like it was made out of plastic. The way it looked when I got on top of him and started riding him like a rodeo cowgirl.

Watching My Wife

During her time in college my wife who was in her early 40s often met in study groups with several other students. The groups were both male and female and most were also much younger. Often she would arrive home later than expected saying that they had just ran late. Then she started talking about one guy in her group that was driving a beautiful vintage Jag. She talked about how soft the leather seats were and how well the car rode and drove. Finally one night she said how she thought the owner would be really rough but she couldn’t believe how gentle he was. Still I never suspected anything.

Then the phone calls started. Often about 8:30-9:00 on weekends the phone would ring and she would answer. She never really said much, but I noticed she would discretely begin to massage her tummy then gradually slide her hand down into her pants. Even her orgasms were really discrete. When questioned she said it was her sister. Then one night it happened. I was watching another TV went to get a drink and as I approached she was laid back in the recliner phone to her ear PJ top pulled up exposing her breasts, legs draped over both chair arms exposing her pussy. She was using her middle finger to work her clit and easily working three fingers in and out of her drenched cunt. I could tell by her moans she was close to cumming so I stood there quietly. After she came, all she said was yes and bye.

Wicked Wendy

I’m not sure where to begin with this one, my heads still spinning from the events of the last few days. Fact is, my new wife is becoming a slut and I’m encouraging her.

Wendy is just your ordinary plain looking girl next door. She’s pretty but not beautiful with a nice body and bubbly personality. Although a little plump, I call it puppy fat; she has great legs and really big firm tits topped with very sensitive nipples. She works as a play group assistant at a local school and I met her there shortly after my wife walked out leaving me and four year Paul to fend for ourselves. At 23, Wendy was ten years my junior but we hit it off straight away. Within two weeks we were dating and nine months later we were married. When it came to sex she was totally naïve. Her one and only experience was with a fumbling teenager who according to her, popped her cherry and then lasted two to three minutes before pulling out and coming all over her tits. It hurt so much she didn’t do it again.

Although she tried hard she wasn’t the brightest kid on the block but with gentle persistence I slowly taught her everything I knew about sex including toys, oral and anal. Within a year She was really enjoying herself. Not only did she now enjoy sex, but, she discovered she was multi orgasmic and when excited her clit was nearly as big as her nipples, a clear sign that she was ready to fuck. And that brings me to the events of last weekend.

First Time With Tammy

Tammy was my older sister’s best friend since they were in grade school and now at 19 she was a real hottie. Long dark hair and a sweet a person as you’ll ever want to meet. I had the hot’s for her for years, and loved to watch them as they practiced putting on their makeup and try different clothes on and model them for me, Mainly so I could be close to Tammy! It used to make me mad to listen to Tammy talk about her newest boyfriend and how they always tried to get in her pants.

Even though I had only just turned 18, she was my girl I felt. Her deep dark bedroom eyes melted me when she smiled at me, and her pert tits standing high and proud on her chest, just made me drool. I changed my sheets a lot from my thinking of her when I jacked off.

She practically lived at our house during the summers, keeping me in a constant state of arousal from her short shorts and tank tops, with the bottom of her tits showing. I used to get to rub sun tan lotion on her making me hard as a rock as she would pretend not to notice. I can’t count the times I had to go jack off after rubbing oil on her ass cheeks. Naturally my older sister thought I was a pest, but Tammy always took up for me telling Janice (my sister) that I was a good kid and she liked having me around.

A Friendly Back Rub

I gave her a ride home from the bar. She was in that drunk, affectionate mood she gets when she wants attention. We sat in the car for a few minutes, making out. We’d done this enough now that I no longer felt any guilt over it. It wasn’t anything her husband hadn’t seen her do at the bar when she was in one of these moods. Well, it was a little more serious, involving tongue, but still just playing around as far as she was concerned. The fact that her husband was also my best friend is what triggered the guilt the first couple of times we did this. We’d talked about it and he’d more or less said if she wants to do it, go for it.

We broke for air and she asked if I wanted to come in. I said sure, knowing full well that she would offer maybe a beer, some conversation, and nothing more. After all, her husband would be asleep in the next room.

I sat on a daybed that, with a couple of bolster cushions, doubled as a couch in their living room. She went into the kitchen and brought us a couple of beers, sitting next to me, but not too close.

“Gary must have passed out. I could hear him snoring when I walked by the hall.”

“He has an early day tomorrow,” I said.

“How are you with neck rubs?” she asked. “I have this kink that’s driving me nuts.”

Large Cock Taxi Driver

I had a fantasy about having sex in a taxi with my wife, showing off her body and getting the driver so turned-on that he would jack off so she could watch it, and I’d get even more turned-on knowing she was so hot. I finally one day after many weeks of replaying that fantasy in my head I set it up with a cab driver I’d used earlier in the day to come home from the airport, it would be when we went out of town over that weekend.

It happened like this, there were some taxis parked outside of our hotel so I slipped outside and asked one driver, a large older black fellow, (The one we’d used to get to the hotel) how much it would cost to drive us around sight seeing for 45 minutes. He said $50.00.

I told him what I had in mind, and he said, “As long as I gets my money I didn’t care what you do to your wife.” I told him there would be an extra $50.00 in it for him if he would jack off in front of my wife. He said he had no problem with that.

I told my wife we were finally going to take that “special” taxi ride we’ve talked about. Of course she tried to back out, but finally after a lot of convincing she got dressed up in a short skirt and flimsy blouse. I knew she wanted this as badly as me; she just couldn’t make herself say it.

Cheryl and the Shower

Cheryl had been my best friend since I joined the cheerleading squad at State College. We would go to the mall together, watch movies together, and study together, you know, just about everything. Cheryl was about 5’9″ (I was a wee bit shorter), and had a figure that bespoke ‘Modeling Career Here’. I’ll admit that I wasn’t nearly as attractive, but the guys I dated never seemed to think so.

Anyway, Cheryl really surprised me one night after an exciting football game. We had gone back to the girl’s locker room, and I decided to get a shower before we decided what to do for the evening. Once I was nude and under the hot spray of the shower, I got very relaxed. I closed my eyes and stood there, feeling the heat soak into my tired muscles.

I was broken out of my bliss by the sound of another shower head turning on. Cheryl was standing at the next nozzle, rinsing her hair. I was surprised to see her buck-naked. Before, we had always pulled curtains between the showers for privacy.

The New Years Party

[ Story by Old Dreamer [email protected] ]

We were invited to a colleague’s New Year’s party. My wife Julie hates parties and I mentioned it nervously, firmly expecting that she would refuse. I was surprised when she accepted with no fuss.

Our marriage had been going through a rough phase lately. I had once pressed her to make love to another man in my presence but she had indignantly refused.

“If I am going to fuck someone else it will be because I want to and in private not for your entertainment.” she had said. Wanting to save my marriage, I backed off and had said no more.

When the party invite arrived, I knew it was not going to be a swinging affair. I could but hope it might be exciting.

She must have sensed my hopeful eagerness and expected the worst. I didn’t imagine that is why she agreed to come and assumed she just wanted to please me to help save the marriage but, in the light of events, I am not as sure now.

The Dentist Is In

“What’s next on the agenda, Carol,” Dr. Cameron Fixx asked his nurse, “nothing tough I hope!?!” “No such luck,” she said with a laugh, “we have a woman in the waiting room with what we think is and impacted wisdom tooth.” “Do we have a file on her already,” the doctor asked!?! “Nope, brand new patient,” Carol replied, “she just moved into town and says she hasn’t seen a dentist in over ten years, and I think I can see why, she’s scared to death.” “How old is she, anyway,” the doctor asked, “maybe she’s a prime candidate for our new treatment technique!?!” “She looks to be about forty five or so,” Carol replied, “and I was thinking the same thing about the treatment.” “Well, let’s not keep the lady waiting,” Dr. Fixx said with a smile, “ask her in.”

“I’m Dr. Cameron Fixx, and you’re Miss Winters, is that right!?!” “Uh, yes,” she replied, “Kaye Winters, I just got into town last week, I’m working as the editor of the local newspaper.” “Well it’s nice to have you as a member of our community,” the doctor said while ushering Kaye into the examination chair, “now, let’s have a look at that tooth.” After giving her teeth a thorough going over, Dr. Fixx ordered a series of x-rays to determine if Kaye Winters did indeed have an impacted tooth, but from the looks of things, that was exactly what she had.

Along The Path

The morning was cool and crisp as I began my hike up the trail to the top of Terry Peak, and although it was late October, the sun was just beginning to warm the South Dakota mountain side. I had been looking forward to the solitude of the mountains all week and relished the thought of two days away from the office. I adjusted my backpack, picked up my walking stick and set off at an easy gait. Being the youngest member of an old line Rapid City law firm was an honor to be sure, but it also meant that the usual and mundane cases were thrown my way, and for that reason this weekend of climbing would take my mind off the sometimes boring humdrum of the weekly grind.

While the Black Hills mountains are no Pikes Peak, they can quickly tucker you out if you’re not in climbing shape, and as such, after about one hour I was ready to take a break, pulling off the trail to look for a good spot to rest my legs. As I sat on a rock eating a banana, I heard a giggle coming from a thicket about thirty yards farther off the trail, it sounded like a female laugh, which was followed by another noise that sounded more like a groan. I got up and went to investigate, and as I peered through the bushes I got the surprise of my life, two women not more than 50 feet from me were on a large red blanket naked as jaybirds. It was quite obvious that they weren’t just sunbathing, as the blond had her mouth buried in the brunette’s pussy. The dark haired girl was moaning and twisting her nipples as her lover ate her for all it was worth, and I got an immediate hardon just watching the two go at it.