Category: pussy licking

Dad and Sister Get Caught

Since my mom and dad were divorced, we lived with my mom. My dad would come around occasionally to visit or to pick us up and take us out somewhere for ice-cream or something else. As we got older their relationship became less and less civil so my dad would not come around very often.

When I was 18 and in high school the summer before my senior year, my older sister was 20 and she kind of looked after me and my two younger brothers when our mom was at work. My older brother (28) at the time was still living at home too but my sis was in community college and working part time so she was home more.

I was working out for football with my buddies during the day that summer and my two younger brothers were going to a day camp at the local playground run by the YMCA. I didn’t have my own car so I would get rides from my buds to and from practice and when we went out carousing. My sister did have a little compact car that she used to get to and from school and work. My mom car pooled to work with a neighbor.

One day during the summer we were supposed to have workouts at the weight room and then go to the track for running. Well, the building the weight room was in was closed for maintenance when we got there so we could not lift. We went ahead and did our running workout and then decided to head home.

My buddy lived past our house so he would usually drop me off in front on his way home. That day, as we went down my street, I noticed that my dad’s work truck was parked on a side street about half a block away from my house. My sister was supposed to be at work at her part time job that day as she didn’t have classes. I was hoping to have the afternoon to myself, so I could get some porn from my brothers room and spend an hour or two reading porn stories and jerking off. However, when we pulled up to my house I noticed my sister’s car parked in our driveway. Damn, I was hoping to be alone!

Well, when I got to the front door in was slightly open and the glass/screen storm door was shut. I was thinking to myself it was strange that my sister was not at work, she needed the money. I was also suspicious that my dad might be in the house because I was sure that was his truck parked a block away. So I slowly opened the screen door to keep it from creaking and giving anyone the notion that someone entered. My sister didn’t think I was due back for another two hours and she had to pick up my little brothers later that afternoon.

My sister had a bedroom on the first floor and because our old house had settled quite a bit, the door to her room did not shut the whole way because the frame was off. It was how I spied on her when she was changing or coming out of the shower. As I entered the living room I could hear some muffled voices and what sounded like moaning, it was coming from my sister’s room.

I headed down the hall towards her door and stopped for a minute. Her door left a 2 to 3 inch gap between the edge of the door and the frame from top to bottom. The angle of the view into the room led right to a large mirror she had on the wall and it reflected to her bed perfectly. I peaked in through the opening and looked at the mirror and my jaw immediately dropped at what I saw!

There was my sister totally naked, laying on top of my DAD in a 69 position!! Her head was closest to the mirror and I could see perfectly her mouth dancing up and down on my Dad’s fat cock. It wasn’t super long but it was unusually thick. I looked almost like a beer can. He had a large ball sack hanging below it that looked like it contained two tangerines.


Party Crasher

On my way back from the bathroom, I saw Megan at the jukebox so I stopped to see what tunes she was selecting.

“Hi,” she said cheerfully, but her tone quickly changed, “I don’t know why I come to these happy hours; I can barely stand most of these people in the office all day and they don’t get any better after they’ve been drinking.”

“Present company excepted, I assume?” I asked, knowing it was the case because we got along well at work. We tended to flirt a bit even though she was a bit younger than me, but I always assumed it was harmless office flirting and never expected it to lead to anything else.

“No, I hate you, too,” she replied, laughing, then pushed against me. I helped her with her remaining picks, which I sensed she was laboring over only so she had an excuse not to go back and rejoin our coworkers.

“Why did you come if you’re so miserable?” I finally asked.

“Ann talked me into it. She said I might feel better about some of my coworkers if I got to know them outside of the office. It isn’t working,” she explained. Ann was one of our coworkers who Megan was actually friends with. Megan wasn’t typically pessimistic or intolerant, but as a young admin, she was very put upon so I understood her frustration. Even so, I definitely was not prepared for what she said next.

“We should leave. We should go to my place and fuck,” she said unexpectedly. I looked at her, unsure of what I had just heard. “Seriously,” she continued, “don’t you think that would be more fun?”

There was no doubt that fucking Megan would be more fun than just about anything I could think of at that moment, but I was concerned about the two of us just walking out of the bar together and what sort of office gossip that would start. Still, I didn’t want her to think that I wasn’t interested.

“OK,” I responded, “I’ll go grab my coat.”

“We can’t just walk out of here together,” she laughed, echoing what I’d been thinking, “besides, I just put a bunch of songs on this jukebox.”

“Tell you what,” I said, “why don’t you write down your address for me and when ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ starts, I’ll say that I have to leave and I’ll head for your place. When the song is over, you leave, too, and I’ll be waiting there for you.”

“Nice,” she replied, smiling and nodding. I headed back to the group while she went to borrow a pen to write her address on a cocktail napkin. I thought Ann was giving me a funny look, so maybe she saw us talking at the jukebox and was wondering what that had all been about. Megan handed me the cocktail napkin when she rejoined the group, but nothing else passed between us to indicate what we had planned for later that night. I could see that Ann was grilling her but Megan was just waving her off and rolling her eyes, apparently at the suggestion that there was anything to even talk about.

I finished my drink when I heard the first strains of “Bohemian Rhapsody” coming through the sound system, then said my good-byes and headed for the door. I knew that Megan lived downtown, not far from the bar we’d been at that night, so I checked the cocktail napkin and navigated my way to the front steps of her apartment building. I figured as I sat down to wait that the song probably wasn’t even over yet, so I was glad that it was a pleasant night. I checked the time on my phone a couple of times when it seemed like she should have been there already but just figured that slipping out just hadn’t gone as smoothly as she’d expected. When I finally saw her hustling down the street, I stood up.

“Sorry,” she said breathlessly before planting a hot kiss on me, “Ann must have seen us talking and figured that something is going on. I tried to convince her otherwise but I don’t think she was buying it. I finally just bailed when she went to the bathroom. I’m surprised she didn’t follow me.”

She let us into the building and we made out as we waited for the elevator, then continued to make out as it took us to her floor. She took my hand when the doors opened and led me down the hall to her apartment, then unlocked the door and let us in. She locked the door behind us and we started to make out again while she pushed my coat off and I did the same with hers. With our coats on the floor inside the door, she started to unbutton my shirt, so I started to raise her blouse up. We pulled apart so that I could pull her blouse over her head, revealing a very sexy bra that barely contained her jiggling tits. She pushed my shirt down my arms before we started making out again and was raising my t-shirt up as I was still unbuttoning my shirt cuffs. We parted again as both shirts soon hit the floor and she reached immediately for my belt.

I reached for her pants, as well, and had them open and sliding toward her ankles just before she did the same with mine. I kicked off my shoes and stepped out of my pants while looking her over in her bra and bikini panties. She had a nice, curvy figure and though her breasts weren’t huge, they were probably above average. She also had great hair, long and brown and looking straight out of a shampoo commercial. She was looking me over, too, before she reached down to caress the bulge in my briefs.

“We gonna fuck right here inside the door?” I asked, even though we’d made it halfway across the living room as we’d been disrobing.


Catholic Schoolgirl

It was boring…damn it was boring. I’d been a college professor, for God’s sake. A Ph-fucking-D in American Literature & Writing. So what the hell was I doing teaching at Our Lady Of Mercy high school? Well, to make a long story short, it was money. Universities don’t pay assistant professors worth a damn and OLM (Old Laid Maids, to the cognoscenti), a conservative, full-student-uniform, old line Catholic private academy, had offered me a cool $10,000 more than Eastman City University to teach their “girls” about The Scarlet Letter and other tripe, oh excuse me, classics. So, I was bored.

Most of these girls were nice enough, maybe too nice, and not overly bright. 

They were at OLM because Mom & Dad wanted to keep them safe from boys. Naturally, while their parents paid a hefty tuition to get their girls ready for college and keep their virginities intact, the girls took every opportunity to mess around, both with boys and – oh shock, oh horror – each other. The rumor mill was constantly grinding out new salacious stories. Kirsten G had balled the football star from Cardinal O’Malley High School (better known as “Carnal & Manly”); Alicia S was in a lesbian tryst with her boyfriend’s older sister, and so on. It was enough to make you laugh out loud.

And the faculty — mostly older men, over 50 and married, or nuns & priests. There were only four of us who were under 50 and secular — myself, Sarah Jenkins (biology), Alex Fernandez (Spanish & French), and Molly Poulan (American History). Naturally, rumors had us all linked in a variety of wild sexual relationships. Naturally, they were all, all wrong. Molly was engaged, Alex gay, and Sarah only vaguely interested. We had gone out a few times, even slept together once, but nothing came of it. Me, Dr. Fisher, I was single and lonely and horny and bored.

Until (oh you KNEW there was an “until” didn’t you?) Megan Renzo walked into my English 12 class. She was a transfer from the public schools and acted like she didn’t fit in. The rumor mill had it that she had been “involved” with her music teacher and that the scandal got him fired and her packed off to OLM. Her Daddy was a lawyer and filthy rich, so Megan got in without passing an entrance examination and with the understanding that she would sail through OLM and get shipped off to a nice catholic girls college where she would stay to earn her Mrs.-degree. She had every likelihood to be trouble for us, and she knew it.


Cheating Anal Wives

“You didn’t!” Wendy gasped when Lynn told her about the encounter with Ken, how she had finally cheated on her husband with another guy. It was really outrageous. She, a wealthy suburban wife, meeting a surfer on the beach and then actually doing it with him in the back of his van!

“I did,” Lynn said with the satisfied smile of a cat who’s just consumed a big bowl of cream

She went into all the details, describing Ken’s cock to Wendy, who, of course, drooled hearing Lynn’s description. Lynn told her about everything they did in the back of his van. Wendy got so excited listening to all the scorching details that afterwards the two wives just had to pull down their jeans and panties and have a go at it themselves. 

Lynn saw Ken the surfer again, this time at his surprisingly swank beachside Santa Monica apartment. He was only twenty, but it turned out he was a championship surfer and made quite a bit of money from competitions and his endorsements. Upstairs, she found that he did indeed have a nice, big bed for her, not just the back of a surfer’s van. And boy did the two of them ever have fun on that bed that time, and several more times! Naturally Wendy heard all about these encounters as well

“Maybe you can join the two of us. You know, I’ve told him all about you, and about us, how you’re married too, how the two of us like to fool around. You know guys. He just loved hearing about that, about a couple of wives having sex with each other, cheating on their husbands that way,”” Lynn said to Wendy one day after she described her latest encounter with Ken, a description which again provoked some serious cunnilingus on the part of the two wives, as well as extensive play with Wendy’s vibrating dildo. 

“Join you two?” Wendy said, a little stunned. Wendy had yet to cheat on her husband, Lynn knew, apart from her liaisons with Lynn. But the more Lynn told Wendy about her own transgressions, the more tempted Wendy became, Lynn could clearly see. 

“Yeah, I even asked Ken what he’d think if I brought you over with me some day,” Lynn said. “You can imagine his answer.”


Plump Beach Girl

“Hi I’m Steve.”

The girl looked up quickly and turned slightly away, hands defensively covering her middle. She needn’t have bothered. I had always liked curvy girls and when I had come around the corner of the narrow overgrown trail that led down the hillside to the secluded beach I had stopped to admire her.

For a couple of minutes at least I had feasted my eyes on her. Like me she looked about eighteen or nineteen, blonde hair and pale freckly skin, bulging curves under a too tight one piece blue swimsuit. She was lying on her stomach when I rounded the corner. One side of the bottom of her suit had ridden up the left cheek of her ass. It was vast and white, wet from swimming like her thick long curly hair and lightly goose-pimpled from the breeze. Then she sat up, faced away from me still. She had untied her top to get the most sun on her back she could and as she pulled it up I could see the side of one firm but pendulous breast, nipple hard and puffy in the open air.

My heart was in my throat and I took a moment to collect myself before my greeting.

I walked forward past her to the water, pretending not to notice the way she was futilely trying to cover her ample charms. She was a big girl with thick thighs, bulging tummy and a wide pale back.

Her eyes were suspicious in her pretty freckled plump face. “Is this your beach? I’ll leave.”

“Please don’t. Its not mine, I don’t think its anybody’s. I didn’t know anybody even knew about it but me.” I crouched by the water’s edge and smile reassuringly back over my shoulder at her.

She seemed to relax slightly. She was sensitive about her weight, I could tell. She’d probably been teased a lot and an empty beach at the bottom of a hidden trail would be appealing to her.

“I don’t want to intrude. My family’s had a cabin by this lake for years, I’ve been coming to this beach since I was a kid.” I picked up a flat rock and skipped it across the water. “Its nice isn’t it.”

I smiled at her again and she tentatively smiled back. “I’m Sharon.”

Jamies Pool Party

Being a senior at University I live on Campus most of the year except during the Christmas, Summer and the other holidays when I try to make it home as much as possible. My new life started with a pool party and sleepover my sister wanted to have after her junior year in college. Seeing as our parents were off on one of their regular business trips, I was left in charge. I told my sister, Jamie, it was okay with me but that no boys could sleep over due to the wishes of our mom and dad.

She wanted to know how many girls could come. I told her I didn’t care how many showed up but that she tell me so I could shop accordingly. We have a pretty damn big house so they could sleep upstairs in one of the guest rooms or downstairs in the living room where they could watch movies or do whatever they wanted. She invited 22 girls.

I grilled out on the BBQ. I cooked steak, king prawns, burgers and some other things the girls liked. I noticed that the sausages were getting very popular as the cookout progressed and the girls were getting slightly tipsy from all the drinks they’d had. They were giggling away while such words as ‘blowjob’, ‘rockhard’, ‘Pussy’ and ‘penis’ or a variety thereof reached my ears every once in a while. At around ten I cleaned up and went upstairs to watch TV and get out of their way.

At about one in the morning I woke up to splashing noises coming from the pool. I had to piss so I went to my bathroom, which joins my bedroom and has a door to the hallway. I heard the girls talking about boys. I looked out the bathroom window and got an instant hardon. They were all skinny dipping. The pool lights were on and since the light wasn’t on in the bathroom so they couldn’t see me. The girls were around the same age, their late teens and one or two were twenty.

One of my sisters’ best friends had stayed at the house many times, I had never given her a second look ‘til now. I also hadn’t seen my sister naked since she was about twelve, she had filled out nicely.

I was getting really hard but then I thought to myself, “You saw them growing up. You’re eight years older than most of them”. I really had to get a steady fuck. I was listening to them talk and picked one out to wank my cock to. I had to come. I hadn’t seen bodies like these for over a year.

When one of the girls named Jane told the girls she was so horny she could fuck the football team, things started getting steamy. She started playing with her pussy and asked if any one wanted to help her come. The only black girl at the party had a body to die for with quite large breasts with very erect nipples. She told Jane she would help her if she returned the favour. The black girl started licking her pussy and Jane went wild. I was starting to get into it. I was stroking fast when the door opened and one of the 18 year old girls walked in with a towel around her. Her long blond hair was wet from the pool and so was most of her delicious young body. She was so gorgeous that I almost blew my load. I turned around with my nine three quarter inch cock in my hand and her jaw dropped.

Seduced into Sin

Lori Callan stood and examined herself in the full-length mirror on the back of the bathroom door. Just 20 years old, Lori was proud of her body. The oval shape of her face was a perfect frame for her large, hazel eyes and full sensual lips. Her skin was smooth and seemed to blend in perfectly with the long golden strands of her hair. The shoulder length straight style suited her, as her neck was long and slim, tapering down to feminine shoulders that were not quite broad enough for the ample proportions of her breasts. The rounded twin mounds stood off her chest like two ripe overgrown peaches, the deep valley between them dark and inviting. Though large, her breasts were youthfully firm and required no support to stand straight out, pointed and proud, and perfect. Her waist was narrow and her belly flat, the smooth flesh topped by the lightest down below her navel which pointed like an arrow to the curving mound up between her inner thighs. She looked sensual, yet innocent as a lamb.

The truth was that she was almost as innocent as a lamb because her full sexual potential had not yet been tapped by anyone, least of all her husband Charlie.

She had met her husband Charlie when she was a 15 year old sophomore in high school and he was a senior. They had continued dating for five years until Charlie had graduated from engineering school at State U and had then married.

Though they had both been born and raised in Chicago, they agreed that they wanted to start their new life in a small town. When Erickson Engineering in the town of Springvale had advertised an engineering position Charlie had interviewed and been accepted for the job.

Both he and Lori were so excited they could hardly wait and when they had found the beautiful old house for sale on Elm Street everything had seemed just perfect.

But in fact, everything was not perfect. As low man on the totem pole, Charlie was being given all the shit jobs that nobody else wanted and as a result he was working 14 hour days six days a week to keep up. By the time he came home at night he was so exhausted he often went straight to bed without even eating.

When she thought about it she realized the she and Charlie has only made love eight times in the three months they had been married and she could feel the frustration and need building in her body. Though raised in a strict church-going environment and still a virgin when she married she had quickly learned to enjoy the feel of Charlie’s cock as he introduced her to the pleasures of sex and now after such a short time it seemed to be gone.

And then one day things changed forever.

Lori was taking the trash can out to the curb for pickup, her mind a thousand miles away as she thought about her situation, when she walked straight into the woman who lived next door.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Lori stammered. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

“That’s OK,” Linda Sampson answered. “My name’s Linda. I guess we’re neighbors and it’s high time we met.”

“Lori Callan,” Lori said as she held out her hand.

“Nice to meet you, Lori. Would you like to come over to the house for a cup of coffee?”

“I’d love to,” said Lori. “I haven’t met anyone from the neighborhood yet and maybe you can tell me about the area.”

“Sure,” said Linda. “Come on, let’s go.”

The two women sat in Linda’s kitchen, chatting and drinking coffee. Then Lori looked up to see a handsome stranger standing in the doorway looking at them.

Linda looked up and said, “Hi sweetheart. This is our new neighbor Lori Callan. Lori, this is my husband Art. He’s a financial adviser and works a lot from home. It’s good to have him handy whenever my urges kick in.”

Swimming Lessons

My name is Karla and I’m thirty years old and in my second marriage. My new husband David is purchasing a larger sailboat. We intend to do some cruising and he has a lot of free time and we would perhaps go on some lengthy trips.

I had never learned to swim and at my age found myself enrolled in swimming lessons. I’m fine with boats just never learned to swim. The idea is for me to learn at least enough to save myself and the fact I love water helps make it interesting for me.

I was going three times per week to the club where David had a membership that offered afternoon classes and it was sort of nice that most of the people there were ladies. They were almost all much older then me but I knew a lot of them from the various clubs so I was comfortable.

I had bought a couple of semi bikini two piece bathing suits. I modelled them in front of the mirror when I got home and didn’t really care for what first hit my eyes. I have long black hair past my shoulders and of course I have the same below and just a little too much of it was poking out around the edges of that narrow strip style of bottom.

I decided to take care of that right away as my lessons started the next day. I went in the shower and let the water run on me as I soaped my tummy and pubic area until the jet black hair was laying down and almost looked like ringlets. I got a good lather with some soft lotion soap that would be easy on my skin.

I took the razor that I use under my arms, clicked a new blade in it and started around the outer edges. I trimmed from the outside in until it was smooth and there was only a strip left. I shaved between my legs all the way along and worked at getting it even. I was left with a trimmed strip that barely even covered the centre part of my private area.

I turned on the water and used the hand held to flush the bits of hair down the drain and then turned the warm spray on me and rinsed myself. I was a bit tender with slight razor burns. My skin is quite soft so I rubbed the area a bit with a skin lotion and it felt better and I rinsed and used my hand to comb it. The shaving and the touching and looking at myself down there in the mirror got to be a bit erotic.

I found myself going to the lotion soap and lathering the area again. I slid my finger between my legs opening the lips gently so I could rub inside my sensitive slit. The warm water sprayed over my body as I lay back and gently moved my finger until the wicked sexy sensation started. I used two fingers with one on each side of the sensitive little hard spot just touching it gently. When I inserted my middle finger between the soft folds I was again reminded how I was still small and tight there almost like when I was young.

Finally Creampied

My first creampie all started innocently but first, let me tell you a little about my wife. She is a beautiful woman. She is 37, (I am 38.) she has big brown eyes and long brown hair. Her long legs are what I noticed first about her. She weighs 120 lbs. She also loves to swallow.

One day, while she had been sucking me for a while, I told her to stop or I was going to cum. I must have been leaking precum into her mouth for a while because she would swallow and smile.

She looked up at me, while slowly sucking my cock. She said, “Baby you taste so good. Do you want to taste some?”

I didn’t know what to say. I had never wanted to taste my cum before. I didn’t want to disappoint her now, while she was being so playful. I said, “OK, if you want me too.”

She just smiled and took me deep into her mouth. She started sucking harder and faster. I felt my load build up and I finally I exploded. I felt wave after wave of my hot spunk fill her beautiful mouth. I laid there waiting for what was next.

She crawled up my body. I saw her face. Her lips were all shiny. Her cheeks were billowed out and she had a smile on her face. As she put her lips to mine, she pushed her tongue into my mouth.

I immediately noticed a thick liquid enter my mouth along with her tongue. It was hot and a little salty but it didn’t taste bad. She then opened her mouth all the way and my cum poured across my tongue.

She pulled back from me and asked, “Well, what do you think? What’s the matter, the cat got your tongue?

I couldn’t answer because my mouth was so full of cum. I had to swallow at least twice before I could answer her. She began to laugh.

She said, “You looked so hot when you swallowed that big mouthful of cum. It’s just too bad that the kids will be home soon, or I’d let you eat me. I’m so wet I can feel it.”

The days went by and we didn’t mention it again. We had a busy week. We both worked every day to go away for the weekend. My in-laws were having an anniversary party at the beach and we were joining them there with the kids.

As we drove to the hotel on the beach for the party, my wife would make sure the kids were asleep and start to rub her crotch. By the time we got there I thought I would explode.

When we arrived we went straight to the pool. This didn’t help me any. I was getting hornier and hornier watching my wife in her bikini, as well as all the other ladies at the pool. It had been a week since we last had sex. All the teasing in the car was taking its toll on my cock.

Hot Wife Orgy

I’m a shy, introvert, smaller-than-average endowed husband with a beautiful, extrovert, larger-than-average busted wife. We had fantasized for years about bringing other people into our sex life before we actually took the plunge. We decided that we would attend a swingers club in a neighboring town that a friend of Shelley’s had told her about.

When we arrived at the club, the host introduced himself as Leo, a Latin looking guy wearing shorts and a muscle shirt. Leo immediately ignored me and, grabbing Cynthia by the arm, gave her the grand tour of the premises while I followed along behind. We walked down a corridor to a door marked “Gang-Bang Room”. The floor was upholstered and looked like one large mattress. There were also several raised benches, a circular bench in the center and mirrors on the ceiling.

“Every Friday night is gang-bang night”, said Leo. “We allow single guys in and they, along with several of our male staff, show a lucky gal the time of her life.”

“We’re more interested in swinging with another couple” I said. Leo shrugged and we went back into the corridor.

He then showed us through another door with a large sign on it that read “Hot Wife Room”. The room had gray stone walls, high ceilings, and a large round red cushioned bench centered between two large mirrors. There were doors on each side of the mirrors but he did not offer to show us what was behind them.

He explained that we were in luck that since it was Saturday, it was “Hot Wife Night” and looking at Cynthia he said that he hoped to see us later. He then pointed us to the locker room and told us to shower and put on the robes that we would find in each locker.

Cynthia looked at me and asked if I was sure that I wanted to go through with this. I responded that I would if she would and gave her a quick kiss. With that she went into the Ladies locker room and I went into the Men’s.

As I entered the warm room, I saw that it was empty except for a small naked man with what appeared to be a small cage over his very small penis. He announced in a nasal voice that he was the attendant. He showed me to the last aisle where I undressed and stowed my clothes in the far locker.

The attendant said he was just going for the robes and towels and walked out. With the towel on its way I streaked to the showers. I was so relieved that there were individual showers instead of one long wall of showerheads like there was in high school. I always skipped gym class so that the other guys wouldn’t see my 4″ boy-dick. I was so relieved, in fact, that I forgot to wait for a towel and just jumped in the shower. As I was rinsing off the soap I heard voices in the locker area. After I shut the water off, I stuck my head out of the stall and looked frantically for something to cover up with. Damn it, I thought, that little bastard forgot to bring the towel. This is crazy, I thought, high school is long past and after all, I am in a swing club. I took a deep breath and started toward the doorway. Unlike the guys in school who always sauntered around the locker room with their big cocks a-swinging, my flaccid little willie just stuck out and bounced slightly as I walked.

Claire and The Bachelor Party

Claire and I were sitting at our Saturday morning breakfast table when I revisited an ongoing conversation that fascinated me, but one in which Claire usually showed very little interest — at least in the light of day.

“You’ve always liked getting felt up, right?”

“You know that. I’ve never hidden it from you. But I’ve also never hidden the fact that I’m going to fuck one man in my life, and you’re him. End of conversation. I’m NOT going to fuck Bobby. He’s nothing but a trophy hunter, and he’s not going to mount me.”

The good news was that Claire was the top trophy at the bank — and would be in virtually any environment she chose to frequent — but Bobby would never get into her pants. She was a classy 5′ 2′ blonde with long hair and a tight body. She played tennis several times a week, and walked or jogged the other days. She had absolutely perfect tits and wore a 32 “C” bra, but didn’really need it because gravity seemed to not notice how much mass she had attached to her chest. Yes, she was definitely a trophy, but she was a committed, one-man woman, and Bobby had no chance with her. Neither did any other guy. Still, I liked to tease her about Bobby — and other guys too. I knew that if anybody had a shot at her, it was Bobby — but, realistically, he had no shot either.

So, I pressed Claire for details on a minor little incident at the bank on Friday. He had succeeded in separating Claire from the other women and used a pretty transparent trick in an effort to get a little tit.

I tried again, cautiously, trying to build on what had happened the day before. “OK,” I said. “When was the last time you got felt up by another man besides me and Bobby.”

“First of all,” she said, “To say that Bobby felt me up is stretching the concept a bit, but for the sake of argument, let’s say he did. That’s it: finis. It’s over. No more tit for Bobby from Claire. Further, if you keep probing, you might hear something you don’t want to here.”

Ignoring her admonition, I tried another tact. “OK, Ms. Claire, how long has it been since another man felt you up?” I expected her to say that it was Dale, her boyfriend before she met me.

But she surprised me by answering, “Well, since you insist on pursuing this line of questioning, I’ll answer you. The last time I got felt up by another man was the night before our wedding. You were at that stupid bachelor party, and I knew the guys planned to get you laid, so I decided it was a good time to have just a little fun myself.”

A bit taken aback, I said, “OK, tell me who felt you up and how it happened.”

Sloppy Seconds

“Have a good night, Barry.” My wife turned and kissed me as she left to go clubbing again. She looked pretty sexy with her short black mini-skirt and a leather top. Her long black hair covered some of her large 36c breasts but she brushed it aside to show off. “You like?”

“Of course.” I said running my hand over her leather clad breasts. “You sure Sara can’t wait a few more minutes?” My hand wandered under her skirt and between her legs now rubbing at her black lace panties.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get that later, when I get home. You mind if I get freaky tonight?” she asked coyly, a shitty smile crossed her face. She must be horny already.

“Like what?” already knowing the answer.

“I don’t know, maybe giving some guy head in a bathroom?” Her left hand pressing against my hardening cock.

“I don‘t know,” I sighed as her hand slid up and down the front of my pants.

“Please?” She whispered as she kissed at my neck. “I‘ll tell you all about it, like the last time.”

I couldn‘t take anymore of her teasing, she had been doing it all day. “If you want to.”

She turned kissed me on the cheek, and left with Sara, one of her girlfriends. All night I couldn’t get the picture out of my mind that she was probably giving some guy an awesome blowjob and him cumming allover her face in the process. She had been out several times and the last time this guy had her hands down his pants while begging for a blowjob. I didn’t know about it until the next day, she told me while we were fucking, but she didn’t give him head for fear of pissing me off. After thinking of it nonstop I finally went to sleep in anticipation of my wife arriving home.

Locker Room Fun

She came back into the locker for the third time in about 5 minutes. I wondered if she had lost something – but she did not appear to be looking for something she looked like she was searching for someone. I had just put the last of my clothes in my locker and grabbed my towel, when my hair clip fell on the floor. I bent over to pick it and flipped my long blonde hair forward and twisted it quickly.

I heard a soft whistle from behind me and glanced over my shoulder to see what the fuss was all about. With my hands still clipping my hair high up on my head so that I could slip a bathing cap over it, I saw the woman that had been searching the locker room was now staring at me.

She was an elegant looking woman about 30, with shoulder length ebony hair. Her skin was a creamy complexion; it almost glowed under the lights. The navy blue bikini hugged her like a lovers touch. Her green eyes were sparkling as she glanced over my body from head to toe.

“Can I help you”, I asked trying to break the tension that had settled in the air between us.

“I certainly hope so. I seemed to have lost my cell phone. I was hoping my friend was still in here and that she could help me find it, but she has left.” The shapely woman said in a husky voice. “My name is Sarah.” She said as she extended her hand to me.

“Kelly.” I replied and shook her hand.

“Are you here for the therapy pool or the lap pool?” Sarah inquired.

“I always start with the lap pool then the head over to the therapy pool and finish in the hot tub.”

“Same her, but there is a birthday party going on in the lap pool. One of the physical therapist’s 8 year old daughter has about 30 of her closest friends in there. They have the pool for another 30 minutes One of the perks of working here I guess.”

“If you need to use my phone, here it is.” I reached into my locker grabbed it. I held it out to her.

“Thanks.” Sarah took my cell and dialed in a number. The phone beeped once, Sarah glanced down at the screen and it showed no service. “Damn, no signal. Do you mind if I head out to the hallway make the call?”

“No, I don’t mind. Give me a second and I will go with you.” I said as I shut the locker and grabbed up my towel.

Two Sisters and a Plumber

The call came late the night before and so I told the gal I’d be there first thing in the morning unless she wanted to pay plumber overtime. She didn’t.

It was five to seven that next morning when I pulled into the driveway. I gathered my tool pouch and was about to close the door of the van when a woman came out onto the side porch and waved me over.

She was dressed in a pair of shorts that came high on each thigh, low at the midriff wearing a white shirt with the tails tied above her waist and open to a single fastened button midway down between her breasts. She wore strappy heels probably three inches high and was likely five years older than I am. Her hair was worn in that old-fashioned Page boy look.

She explained the problem as water running out from the cabinet below the lavatory basin whenever the basin was emptied or the tap was running.

It’s a common enough problem when the trap corrodes on the way to the drain. Enough corrosion and you have a hole.

I told her I’d have to see it to verify the problem and she asked how much I charged. I explained that I could give her an estimate after seeing it and then for some reason she asked if I was an independent or one of those plumbers that works with a fleet of trucks and plumbers. I’m independent.

As she walked me to the bathroom she asked if I had a lot of work that had to be done today and I explained that I had several jobs to do yet but there was no real emergency on them and that was the reason I’d moved her to the top of my list last night.

I was right about my suspicion of the problem and gave her a verbal estimate. She accepted.

I had to go back to my van to get a new trap and another wrench and returned a couple of minutes later.

As I entered the kitchen again from the back porch entrance there was another gal standing there talking with the first. She had the same hair color and many of the same features except she was shorter and closer to my age I assumed. She wore shorts also but a transparent blouse with a bra under. She wore open-toe sandals and her hair was in a ponytail.

The new gal looked me over and smiled as she commented to the first gal what good taste she had in plumbers. I was introduced and the new gal seemed to be mentally undressing me.

The first gal then took a long look at me and smiled as she agreed on her own good taste.

The first gal introduced the new one as her little sister. She wasn’t a little girl anywhere and had tits and ass at least as sweet as her older sister.

Sweet and Innocent Amy

It was “girls night out” and Amy really needed to get out with her friends and let off some steam. Work was driving her nuts and she hadn’t just cut loose and relaxed in months. She dressed pretty casual, but still sexy. She had on her red silk low cut top that really showed off her great 36c tits. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and her long blond hair was pulled up into a high ponytail. Her make up was flawless, and her red lipstick perfectly matched her shirt. Although she as just wearing jeans, they were tight and her ass really filled them out. The lace of her black thong just barely showed over the top of her jeans. She put on her wedding ring, diamond earrings that matched, along with a matching diamond solitaire necklace. She wasn’t dressed to thrill, but she couldn’t help but look hot.

“Where are you off to dressed like that?” Her husband Steve asked.

“I’m going to go out with the girls, and blow off a little steam, work’s really sucked lately and I deserve it.” Amy casually replied.

“A little steam, huh? If I didn’t know better I’d say you look like your going out to get laid.” Steve said jokingly.

“Me?… I could never do that.” Amy said shyly.

“I don’t know, look at how you’re dressed, you’re lookin’ pretty hot..”

” Well….I ..Uh” she paused.

“Too bad.. I’d have to give you such a spanking for being such a bad little girl…” He said playfully.

“Mmm…you’d like that wouldn’t you?”

The words rolled off her tongue suggestively. Amy and Steve were very much in love. They had been married for five years, and Amy, although very sexually free at home, was incredibly faithful and quite shy away from her man. They had both fantasized about her having wild nights of sex with strangers, and although she wanted to try it, she was too shy to ever think about making it a reality. Her pussy began to get a little moist just thinking about.

“We’ll just have to see how the night plays out” She said playfully as she let her hand brush up against Steve’s cock.

He kissed her deeply and played with her tits through her shirt. This made her nipples stick out and show through her silky top.

“Now stop it, you wouldn’t want to ruin my make up for the other boys, …now would you.” She purred.

When her friends got to her house, she kissed Steve goodnight and said’ ” I’ll be back shortly after the bar closes.”

He walked her out to the car and they waved to each other as the car drove off. His mind raced with excitement, although, they both knew that she couldn’t do it. Steve just walked back into the house, grabbed a beer, and settled in for the night.

Boat Fun

Last month my wife and I had the most exhilarating sexual experience of our marriage. The couple next door and invited us and one of my co-workers to a day on their new pontoon boat on a large lake near our North Carolina home. The neighbors, Ted and Susan, had meet Craig my co-worker and his wife Lacie at one of our backyard barbeques and us three couple hit it off quite well.

Theresa and I, as well as Ted and Susan, are in our early forties, both with two kids each, while Craig and Lacie are about ten years younger and childless. Theresa and Susan are both about the same size, and though heavier than in their youth, both are still well proportioned and still quite attractive; the good looking MILF of legend. Theresa is 5’4″, about 135#, and wears a very full 34C bra. Both women wear the hair just off their shoulders in fashionable but practical hair cuts.

Lacie, having not bore any children, still had her youthful figure; about 5’5″ and maybe 110 #. Her breasts looked to be more of a perky 34B and it was all capped by the most angelic face to grace an adult woman. Craig had confided to me that is was all show; there was nothing angelic about Lacie.

We met at the lake and after bringing our supplies aboard off we went. The lake is very large man-made and because it is used as an area water supple there are no homes along the shoreline. It is especially irregular in shape with many coves and bays all surrounded by forest. The plan was to cruise for awhile and then find an unoccupied cove for swimming and a cookout on the party boat’s built in gas grill.

As we cruised in and out of the various inlets, we three guys hung to the back of the boat under the roof that covered the rear section of the boat and the ladies went to the front to catch the sun on the uncovered part. As we started off we stripped down to our swim suits. Ted and I in our boxer type and Craig, after some kidding by Lacie, took his shorts off to reveal the new suit she had bought him. It was a Speedo type showing off what appeared to be an especially large package. I am certainly not an expert, or even an amateur observer of what male equipment looks like in that type outfit, but even to me it was very apparent that Craig was quite well endowed. Besides the lower portion we could see that his gym time was well spent and I guess you’d have to call him buff; solid and well muscled. Ted and I, though no bald fatties, are showing our ages and all those after work beers. We both carried 10-20 pounds we didn’t need with small love handles.

As I said Theresa and Susan where built about the same. Their hips and butts had broadened but still kept their nice shapes. Their waists, though thicker than before child birth, still looked good in the two piece swim suits they both wore. They both wore tops that displayed lots of cleavage that had the effect of drawing any attention to them. Lacie was just a knockout and wore a swimsuit to display her attributes. The top was two small triangles and the front as about the same with a two inch stripe on material just covering the crack of her ass.

As we cruised around the lake us guys enjoyed watched the ladies stretched out sunning themselves even more than the shore side scenery. As guys will sometimes do after a couple of quick beers, we started to compare the physical beauty of our spouses. Craig liked the larger tits Theresa and Susan showed and Ted and I were intent of seeing if those two inches of material covering the ass crack of Lacie would continue to slip between those lovely cheeks as it appeared to be doing. Craig admitted that Lacie had no modesty and loved to know guys were ogling her. Then he told us that if she knew us better she’d have worn her sheer thong bikini. I don’t know about Ted but the thoughts of that made my cock twitch.

The Sex Therapist

Susan my receptionist ushered the last patient of the day into my office. I was pleasantly surprised; she looked younger than her 30 years and was very attractive. There was a look of apprehension on her face.

“Hello Cassie,” I said with a warm smile, “I prefer to use first names, it makes people more relaxed, please call me Robert. It’s nice to meet you, please take a seat.”

“Oh thank you doctor, I mean Robert,” Cassie said nervously.

“I don’t know what your referring doctor told you about me but I am a qualified GP and also a qualified psychologist. My field of expertise is helping people of both sexes with sexual problems, whether they be physical or emotional or both. I have been reading the letter your doctor sent me and your problem is that you can’t orgasm, is that correct?”

Cassie blushed, nodded and looked down at the floor.

“Well Cassie, first I want to congratulate you for being so courageous.”

“Courageous?’ Cassie said, “You think I’m courageous?”

“Yes very much so,” I replied, “It takes courage to come and tell your sexual problems to a stranger. But the more you truthfully tell me the more I can help and if we can help you with your problem then your future will be a lot happier, OK?”

Cassie took a deep breath. “Robert all I know is that I’ve had enough of the frustration that goes with sex. It caused my marriage breakup and”

“Sorry to interrupt,” I said, “Tell me about the sex in your marriage. Do you think your husband was a good lover? Did he use any foreplay to arouse you?”

“No he never really cared about my sexual feelings,” Cassie was beginning to relax. “All we ever did was the missionary position, he was very quick and I was always left frustrated.”

“Did you ever masturbate when he wasn’t at home?”

Again Cassie blushed and looked away. “My mother told me that masturbation was dirty and wrong, so I’ve never tried it.”

“Well I can assure you that masturbation is OK and 99% of the population does it.”

“99%! That many?” Cassie was shocked.

“Yes it’s really OK to masturbate Cassie, but I’ll get back to that later.” I laughed. “Right now I want to concentrate on you, not the rest of the world.”

Company Christmas Party

“We’ll just pick you up at your apartment at 7:30,” the woman’s voice on the phone instructed me, “And that’s all there is to it, Tonia!”

“OK,” I chuckled, “See you then.”

The woman on the phone was Ruth, the wife of my boss, Dick. I guess Dick had said something to her about the mood I’ve been in at work lately and that I said I was going to get really wiped out at our party tonight. Ruth said she was concerned about me driving. They live about three miles from me so it wasn’t going to be too far out of their way.

The office staff had dwindled all afternoon. When Ruth called at a little after four, I was the only one left. I knew I’d have to work until five because there was a possibility that someone from our largest customer’s office might call and my boss didn’t want to make a big deal about us closing early. He knew I could handle anything that came up.

I sat at my desk, daydreaming about the dress I’d found on the Internet. The black dress looks almost like a slip. It has spaghetti straps that criss-cross in the back, which is bare from the waist up. It’s at least three inches above my knees and has a short slit up each side. I can’t wear a bra under it so the firm nipples on my smallish breasts, become very noticeable. Dick calls me a brat because I love to tease him by wearing short skirts or something else, sexy, to work. I know the other men watch me too, but he’s so much fun to tease. I still wasn’t sure if I had enough nerve to wear the dress, though.

Time flew by and soon I was looking at myself in the full length mirror in my bedroom, “I don’t know if you should wear this…” I kept turning around and looking at how naughty my little 95 pound, five foot two and a half inch body looked in this silky dress.

It was too late to change. The doorbell rang and I scampered down the hall and opened it. “Just need to grab a jacket and my coat,” I turned quickly.

“Wait a minute!” Dick called out. “Let me see what you are wearing.”

“What?” I stopped and looked at him. “Oh, this?” I let have a good look.

“Oh, my God!” Dick’s voice cracked, “You must be planning on getting raped tonight!”

“You like the way I look?” I turned around quickly.

“You may not make it out of your apartment!” He teased, moving towards me.

I laughed and moved away before he could grab me. I slipped on a black blazer and then my black trench coat. Dick grabbed me and kissed me hard. “We’ve got to go,” I reminded him.

“Too bad,” he fixed the obvious bulge in his pants.

School Teacher Wife Gives Lessons

On Friday afternoon, I decided to surprise my wife by stopping by her classroom. Kim and I have been married for six years. She has been everything I every wanted. Kim stands about five foot four and one hundred twenty pounds. Her heart shaped ass and size C cup tits never fail to turn me on. Being Kim’s second lover allowed us to grow in experience together. I thought that we had done it all until that fateful afternoon.

Kim’s room has a back entrance if you use the fire escape from the alley. The weather was warm so she had her windows open. I heard voices on the way up the stairs.

She was lecturing to one of the senior local jocks. Chris had everything you would dream of in high school. He had great looks, athletic ability, and a rich dad that keep him in that latest fashions and cool cars. Being the school’s prize football players, Chris had every girl in school chasing after him. He also was rumored to have his way with many of the adult fans around town also.

Kim’s lecture went on about him picking on one of the girls in class. It seems that Chris convinced the girl to pose for him and he decided that science class was a good time to share the pictures with his friends. Kim intercepted the photos and had Chris report after school to discuss the issue.

After about ten minutes of lecture, Chris only had a smart-ass reply. “So are you jealous I didn’t ask you to pose for me?” he asked.

As I peeked into the window, I began to feel nervous that Kim would be alone in the room with a stud like Chris. He stood six-two and weighed about 230 (all muscle). Kim left her desk and approached him in a very stern manner. She demanded that Chris stand and apologize immediately.

Chris towered over Kim as he spoke, “The only thing I will apologize for is not doing this sooner.”

He took the back of his head in his hand and drew her into a kiss. This boy must know what he was doing because he laid it on good. Kim hesitated then seemed to respond and kiss him back. Suddenly, she pulled away and said that she should not be doing this.

Chris pursued her back to her desk as I briefly debated putting an end to this. My mind was a flood of emotions. Part of me wanted to watch her with another man, a long hidden fantasy of mine. While the other half wanted to burst in a put a stop to this. After a few moments, the little head in my pants decided to wait and see what else happens. Scooping Kim up in his powerful arms, Chris sat her on one of the lab tables. He told her that he dreamed on doing this since the first day of school. Then he raised her skirt and pushed aside her underwear. He dove into her muff face first.

A Little Strip Poker

My name is Peter. My wife Jessie and I are both in our early 50’s and have been happily married for 30 years, and became empty nesters 2 years ago. We are both in good shape; both keep active and work out some.

We have started opening up sexually somewhat after becoming empty nesters. Since that time, we have been rediscovering our sex life. We have always been faithful to each other (at least as far as I know) and have a really close loving relationship.

Now Jessie has been quite sexually inhibited throughout our 30 year marriage, having been brought up in a Victorian way. She doesn’t like the ‘messy’ side to sex; she has never sucked me to completion, although she will take me in her mouth. It took me a long time to get her to let me eat her, but she will not even let me look at her pussy after sex.

She will never let me touch her ass… ever. She won’t kiss me after I eat her, won’t let me eat her if I have already put some lube on her. She doesn’t sweat, and hates the feeling of a mess on her. She is quite passionate otherwise, will get on and ride me for a long time, lets me use a vibrator on her etc. I like a hairless pussy and she lets me shave her pussy lips as long as I leave her pubis alone. To my knowledge she had never touched or tasted cum at this time. This is why the events of last weekend have really rocked our marriage!

We had a friend over last weekend, a single guy we have known for a long time. Ed is a pretty normal guy at 5’11 and 180, active and reasonable shape.

Since we were bored, we decided to play 3-handed crib.

We were drinking wine and were moaning about the game. Terrible game, boring as hell, and my wife Jessie was loosing badly. “Probably the most boring card game in the world” she said.

“No, the game ‘go fish’ is worse,” replied Ed.

“Yes, but that’s a kid’s game, I was talking about adult games.”

“Oh ADULT games,” I said, to emphasize the double meaning. “The only adult card game I know is strip poker.”

“Probably more fun than this game,” she muttered under her breath.

“What did you say?” I said in surprise. “Oh come on now, you know you would never have the nerve.”

Ed chimed in “Hell, I’m game for that.”

“Me too,” I said. “Come on Jessie, are you in?”

Avon Lady

My wife, Becky, started buying products from Avon about a year ago through an Avon lady named Susan, who had several accounts in our rural neighborhood. She would come in, sit down next to my wife on the couch and go through the catalog, the sales, etc. explaining the products. Becky would always buy something, even some of the men products like after-shave and cologne for me.

Susan was gorgeous with a great personality which no doubt helped her succeed in the Avon business. She was like 5’6″, reddish hair, perfectly styled to her face, fair skin, blue eyes and a sweet smile. I would guess she weighed in at about 125 with no fat and a shape other women surely envy.

There were times I would be home and often got a glance up her dress as she pulled it over her knees while sitting there on the couch with Becky. She saw me looking a few times and came back with a quick smile letting me know she knew that I had seen up her dress. A few times, while Becky had her eyes on the catalog, Susan spread her legs for just a second so I could see up further up her dress. Her inner thighs were beautiful and very inviting to my hungry eyes.

Slut Mode

Deborah dug the way her husband Kenny didn’t dare stop after he came but went right on rodding and reaming her country crock until every ounce of the hot cream was beaten into butt-butter. She was rocking forward on her knees to his top-speed tempo, slobbering and smiling into the stiff white hotel room pillow. She loved the jerky splatter of his cum inside her cunt, loved the anxious snarl of the blond moustache on Kenny’s face as his dick went semi-soft and she took control away from him and got him started tending to her own business. Deborah was kicking and thrashing with urgency, her rump tipped high up and jolting juicily along his boner. Keeping a guy going when he thought he was coming. That was just one of the things she had learned in the ten years since high school. It was all part of getting into slut mode.

“Hurry up, Deb. You’re gonna be late,” Kenny gasped. He was squeezing her tight rear-end tight around his fat ten-incher, trying to put a fuck-lock on her furry fundaments. But Deborah fought back. She wouldn’t let him make her. He had no right. No right at all. Not when she was just finally getting her ass into slut mode.

The best part was, he actually could do it, if she could just keep his prick hard long enough. He was pounding her veal cutlets flat and hot and tender, tickling her titties, taking her right downstream no matter how hard she swam away. Deb knew there was more than one reason she had married this fucking stud–she just couldn’t remember what the other one was. “Oh GOD, yes. SCREW me!” He had her by the ankles now, running her chin crazily down the mattress like a wheelbarrow race.

20 Minutes Down Under

[ story contributed by Damon ]
Before I get to this story, I want to preface it by asking: ladies, is it supposed to take this long?

This was a Hungarian girl who I was involved with some time ago, when I lived in Hungary. We were in her house, in Budapest. We were getting hot and heavy in her bedroom when I checked my pockets and realized I’d forgotten to bring a condom. I told her don’t worry, I would please her in another way. She giggled. So I moved down her body to her bush and began my work. Let’s say it was 1:15.

1:19: I’ve been fingering and licking her for about four minutes and I’m kind of sick of it, kind of wondering if she can just give me a blowjob. She lightly pushes me back down south saying, “Okay, but I haven’t come yet.” I ask: “Almost?” She says; “Yeah, almost.” Only now do I realize she’s actually taking me up on my offer to please her in another way. I resolve to eat her out until she orgasms. Long road ahead.


My wife and I have a great relationship, both in and out of the bedroom, so a threesome never really entered my mind. Carley, my wife, and I were both virgins when we met. We both enjoyed sex, so after dating for two years and then seven years of marriage, there was little we hadn’t at least tried in the bedroom.

Carley is a beautiful woman. She is 5-3 and weighs in at about 110 pounds. She does not spend hours at the gym, but has a naturally slim body with beautiful C-cup breasts.

Having two children has only caused her to fill out a little more in the right places. Her breasts have only the slightest bit of sag after breast-feeding our two children, and her nipples are large and dark. It is still a powerful turn on for me just to watch her and think about the luscious body she has hidden under her clothes.

That is exactly what I was doing. We had gone to a nightclub on the beach that had a large deck outside. I was sitting on the deck, enjoying my drink, while I watched my wife make her way across the sand. Carley was wearing a pair of short shorts and a tight knit top that showed off a bit of cleavage. She had more on than most of the women on the beach; there were many bikinis and even a few thongs to look at, but my wife looked incredibly sexy as she strolled across the beach with her friend.

The guy sitting next to me, who I later learned was named Bob, struck up a conversation by saying, “Man, I would sure like to spend some quality time with that one.” I asked him which lady he was referring to and he pointed to my wife. I felt a flush of anger and then excitement when I realized he wanted to have sex with my wife. For some strange reason I decided to play along rather than tell him I was her husband.

Paying The Rent

I had stuck it out to my junior year in college, financially, but things had gotten tougher. On campus housing was not available, and so I had to find another place to live.

Despite having a half scholarship, student loans (I was so broke I qualified for everything!) and two part time jobs (I was a waitress at a college hang out and cashiered at a shoe store), I could not afford an apartment. I found a family that was renting out a room near campus. They live in a slightly run down area and were apparently just making ends meet themselves. But the price was right, $100.00 a month. I had to share a bathroom and eat on campus but it was livable. I figured I would be at school or work most of the time anyway so I would only be using it to sleep. The couple, Joe and Beth, were in there late thirties. They had two children, Joe Jr who was 16 and Gillian who was 14. Joe worked as a beer deliveryman and looked like he sampled his wares often (big gut). He was big (6′ 4″} all over and quite loud and cocky. Beth was in sharp contrast to her husband, small and frail looking almost anemic. She was quiet and meek always deferring to Joe. The kids fit much the same pattern with Joe Jr being a smaller replica of his father (loud and boisterous) and Gillian being slight and quiet. I must admit that Joe scared me little bit and it disturbed me the way Joe Jr. looked at me and seemed to hang around me a lot. The fall semester past and I did not have any troubles at the house. As I expected, I spent little time during the day there, usually leaving by eight in the morning and rarely returning before ten at night. I only seemed to see the family during the weekends between working my jobs. My troubles started in late December. With final exams, I had to cut back on my work. Because I was under so much stress with exams, I caught a flu bug that kept me in bed for two weeks after exams were finished. Then, one of my student loan grants was late so I had to pay the bill myself until the grant would arrive (it turned out it arrived the second week in February!). My meager resources had been stretched beyond the breaking point. I did not have enough money to buy books for my classes or to pay the rent. I talked with the Financial Aid office but they could not help me as I already had every loan and grant that I qualified for. I thought I might be able to get enough to pay for my books by getting an advance from my jobs. I would just have to get an extension on paying my rent. Joe was up that evening when I got home from the shoe store at 10:00 pm(He usually went to bed early as he had to start work at 5:00 AM but Thursday night was his bowling night).