Rat-a-tat-tat! The banging on the back door could only mean one thing, Tommy was here to play with Jimmy. Without waiting for an answer, Tommy popped open the screen door and marched into the kitchen. “Jimmy around,” he asked? “I’m sorry, Tom, but Jimmy and his dad went shopping for a new bike,” replied Marion Overton, “he should be home in an hour or so if you care to wait.” The eighteen year old stood in the middle of the kitchen and pondered for a few seconds and answered back, “Yeah, I will wait, is it okay if I watch television in the basement,” he asked? “Sure,” she replied, “go right on down, I’ll tell Jimmy you’re here as soon as he gets back!” Tommy slipped quietly down the stairs, picked up the remote and flicked on the set, and in seconds he had tuned into a cable channel that was showing a steamy sex video. Looking around to make sure no one else was around, he pulled out his pecker and slowly began jerking it off to the hot scenes on the screen. He and Jimmy spent hours jerking their cocks to the x-rated cable shows, often racing to see who could blow his nut the fastest! He was so enraptured with the program, that he didn’t hear Marion Overton descending the stairs to tell him that Jimmy and his father were going to be at least another hour at the store. If she had, he would have had time to change the station and put away his cock!
Category: Uncategorized
Born To Suck
Kate couldn’t help it! She wanted to stop but something inside her wouldn’t let her! Kate was from all appearances a normal eighteen year old senior in high school. Average looks, average grades, nice friends, good parents, nothing to worry about. Well not exactly, you see Kate was addicted to oral sex! She would suck anyone, anywhere, at anytime. She couldn’t be exactly sure of why, but all she knew was that she had a burning uncontrollable desire to have her mouth around a hard cock or her tongue buried in a hot warm pussy! Walking home from school, Kate had stopped off at the store to buy some school supplies!
The Trainer
Lilly lolled in the tub, letting the soothing hot waters rinse away the aches in her burning muscles!!! What a workout it had been, and Jack always pushed her a lot harder than she thought she could bear, but if you’re going to do a triathlon you’ve got to be in tip top condition!!! “How ya feel, babe,” he said with laugh while standing in front of the mirror and putting on his deodorant, “great workout, huh!?!” “Yeah,” she sighed, “I think every muscle in my body is screaming for mercy, even my eyelids hurt!!!” He playfully reached down into the water and grabbed a handful of her pussy and asked kiddingly, “Even this muscle!?!” “Oh, Jack,” she gasped, “you know how I get after a workout, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyy!!!” “Of course I do,” he replied softly while burrowing his finger into her tight shaved vagina, “why do you think I came in here, to check out the fixtures!?!” (more…)
Room Service
Erica Daniels was dead tired, and all she wanted was a hot shower and a good nights sleep! A full day of meetings with designers and financial officers had left her totally spent. She always hated coming to New York, not only because of the endless traffic jams, but because it always seemed like every thing was fast, fast, fast with never an opportunity to just take it easy! At least she was in a good hotel with all the amenities, cuz she was going to order room service rather than fight her way through a restaurant crowd. She picked up the phone and dialed eight, in a few second she was being connected with the kitchen where she ordered a Caesar Salad and a hamburger rare. “Twenty minutes,” she replied, “good, I’m famished!”
Shower Room
Bart Engle stood under the burning needles of hot water as the day’s tensions seemed to rinse away as easily as the grimey sweat and dirt that had accumlated during his job as a heavy equipment operator!!! At least four or five other men were also taking their showers, when the female operators came sauntering into the shower room, dropped their towels, and calmly took their places along side the men!!! Vicki was the red head with the the big boobs and plump ass, and no matter how hard he tried or how often he saw her, Bart just couldn’t keep from getting a blue veined hard on right in front of her and everybody else!!! But thankfully, he wasn’t alone in this hardon boat, because every single guy there was soon standing at attention as Vicki and Gail, a cute little blonde with a thick curly muff, casually washed and rinsed every part of their incredibly feminine bodies!!! (more…)
Lingerie Salesman
Cindy looked in the mirror and after staring at her out sized form for several seconds, broke down in tears as her rolls of fat began shaking gently in time with her sobs!!! While she wasn’t really tall, she packed a very hefty two hundred fifty five pounds on her large boned frame, and as she sobbed away, her huge breasts, that hung nearly to her waist jiggled back and forth as the tears rolled down her cheeks all the way down to her nipples!!! (more…)