Slut Wifes Back Seat Adventure

My lovely wife is Cassie and I loved her very much. I say I loved her because I am not so sure now after what happened when we were returning from our beach holiday recently! I work in a law office as a junior partner and am very happy working there but sometimes things happen which change our lives and that was what happened on our way back.

Altogether there were 18 of us at this beach holiday and it would be fair to say we were all good friends. Each of us had our wife with us and although I had warned Cassie about these other fellows I assumed they would be kept in order by their wives! How wrong could I be? Anyway, knowing these chaps can get a bit off the rails at times I warned Cassie to be wary of them and not to allow them to get too close to her without me being present!

Cassie is aged 28 and although she is usually very quiet, she can also become the life of a party if she gets in the right mood and this can cause trouble – not only between us but also with other people. Cassie isn’t the prettiest girl in the world but she does have a good figure, short strawberry blond hair and is not very tall. She has the cutest smile and it is this smile which has got her into trouble on a few occasions. I couldn’t say she is always a flirt but sometimes some man or other will get her going and then she turns into a real flirt!

I know Cassie wasn’t a virgin when I married her. She had told me about several of her boyfriends who had fucked her many times when she was going with them. She always kept their identity secret but didn’t mind telling me all the juicy details. I hadn’t had any experience prior to marrying Cassie so all I knew I learned from her.

We all enjoyed our weekend at the beach house – it was owned by the senior partner of the firm and although he was the same age as myself – 30 – he was very rich and came from a wealthy family. He was also the leader where there was any misbehavior and he was one person I had warned Cassie about.

The accommodation was quite cramped because there were only 5 bedrooms but we were able to have enough beds by having some in the dining room and the main entertainment room. We had double beds in the 5 bedrooms and the dining room and there were 3 double beds in the entertainment room. It was a well known fact that some of the couples were into swapping wives and so it was carefully arranged that these should be the people who slept in the dining and entertainment rooms.

We romped about on the beach and although a couple of the wives ran around the beach topless, the rest of us were suitably clad and tried to not take much notice of the topless girls. All of the men kept their bathing suits on so it was really not too bad. I kept Cassie in my sight most of the time making sure none of the men tried anything with her. At one stage during the stay she told me I was suffocating her and she should be allowed to do her own thing! I told her I was sorry but I knew what these chaps were capable of and didn’t want her to get involved with them – she may be taken advantage of!

Our meals were taken around the very large table in the dining room and it was big enough to just move the bed to the side and we could all fit in. The men noticed I was very protective of Cassie and chided me about this. At the evening meal on the Saturday night they made Cassie sit between two of the real wild boys well away from me. I watched her intently and although I am sure they were feeling up her legs under the table I had no proof and also, if they were, Cassie was remaining very calm. Once the meal was finished I moved over to Cassie and asked if the men had played with her but she just grinned and told me to keep my dirty thoughts to myself.

Once the cleaning up was finished we all moved to the large room and joined in some games. Lots of wine and beer was flowing and everyone seemed to be having a good time. I again stayed close to Cassie but we both noticed that occasionally a couple would pair off and move to one of the bedrooms. These, of course, were not married to each other. It was obvious what they were doing because the girls would come back into the room looking flushed and obviously fucked! One of the men came over to Cassie and asked her if she would like to go for a walk with him! I grabbed her hand and held her tightly much to the amusement of the other men! Cassie gave him a grin and told him later on perhaps when the watchdog wasn’t watching!

This comment brought howls of laughter from the men and some of the wives but I didn’t care, Cassie was my wife and I didn’t want some other bloke playing around with her. A lot of the games and entertainment allowed us to sit together and some of the men commented they would be out to get Cassie as soon as I let go! I knew now that they were serious and I was upset because Cassie was flirting with the men now making remarks like – I would if I could, and I just can’t wait! This behavior didn’t thrill me and she knew I was upset with her.

Apart from the flirting she behaved herself and when it was time to go to bed we retired to our bedroom which, unfortunately, was near the entertainment room. I should also add there were no doors on these bedrooms and so anyone passing the door could look in.

Cassie and I both sleep naked and I was a bit concerned at her behavior and so I suggested she wear her jeans to bed! She laughed at me and told me I was stupid and climbed into bed naked as usual. Then her behavior worsened because she refused to cover her breasts with the sheet which, because of the warm temperature, was all the covering needed, and thus she was exposed to anyone who could look into the room. I took a long while to go to sleep and I kept hold of her somewhere all the time. Mostly I held her hand but occasionally I held her leg or even her breast when I had a chance.

She didn’t sleep at first because we were content to listen to what was going on around us. We listened to the creaking floorboards when one of the men would sneak out of his bed and into another bed! This went on for most of the night and although no one came into our room – at least until 4am when we finally went to sleep – we couldn’t sleep earlier and enjoyed trying to work out who was fucking whom!

The men played games with Cassie on the Sunday and teased both of us but she didn’t give in to their invitations to go with them and at least I thought we were safe.

After we had all packed up and we had stowed the gear into our cars it became time to leave. I had been watching Cassie getting herself ready to leave and I saw she was dressed in a very flimsy bra and a very see-through pair of knickers and a cotton blouse and skirt as well as her shoes. She was certainly covered adequately and I thought we would have no trouble on the way home although the men had been threatening, in a playful way, to get Cassie soon!

Then the conspiracy emerged! The three men who were the main causes of my discomfort suddenly converged on our car and told us they were coming home with us. Their wives were going along with their plans and everyone was distributed amongst the cars so that everyone got a ride home but I had to take the dangerous three and Cassie. Most of the cars were leaving before we climbed into our car. Instead of Cassie getting into the front seat with me as she usually does, she climbed into the back seat with two of the men – one on either side of her! Now I was beginning to worry. It was a 2 hour drive home and they would be with her all the time. There wasn’t even a place where we would be stopping where I could get Cassie to change places so I had to just hope Cassie would keep them under control.

Off we moved and apart from a bit of silly singing we were all behaving ourselves fairly well. We had been travelling for about 1/4 hour before everything in the back went quiet. I wondered what was happening but couldn’t take my eyes off the tricky part of the road. At the first opportunity I moved the interior mirror so that I could see Cassie in the back. Now the trouble started! One of the men, Paul was kissing Cassie and I could see she wasn’t resisting at all. More watching the road and then glancing back to see the other chap, Kevin, kissing her while Paul was feeling her breasts. Again she wasn’t resisting. I felt I had better say something but for some reason I didn’t! Next glance told me I was in trouble! Paul had undone her blouse and she was shrugging it down off her shoulders and eventually took it right off! Now I would say something but the road was very winding and when I looked again Kevin was undoing her bra and taking it off!

The next thing Chad, who was sitting in the front with me turned around on the seat and looked into the backseat. He reached forward and took Cassie’s blouse and bra in his hand and then handed them to me! I didn’t say anything and just looked at the clothes in my lap. Next look back in the mirror showed Paul and Kevin each sucking a nipple and playing with her breasts and again she wasn’t complaining. She looked up at me in the mirror and smiled at me! This unnerved me and I didn’t know what to do!

Again I couldn’t look too much in the mirror but when I did I saw Cassie lifting herself up off the seat and Paul was pulling down her panties! Now she was just in the back with only her skirt on and I knew they would take advantage of her but I still didn’t know what to do!

Next they handed Cassie’s panties to Chad who sniffed them and then passed them over to me! I had to adjust the mirror to be able to see what they were doing but now there were two hands, one each, under her dress and obviously feeling her cunt! This went on for about 10 minutes before I saw Cassie again lift herself up and they took her skirt off! Now she was naked on the backseat with two men and a third kneeling over the back of the front seat and feeling her legs!

I asked Cassie what the hell she thought she was doing but she simply replied, “Well, if you had wanted me to stop you would have stopped me earlier – now it is too late! I hope you enjoy this as much as I am enjoying it!”

There was more rustling of clothes and soon the two men were naked in the back too. Next I saw Cassie leaning over and sucking one of the men’s cock while the other was fingering her cunt while she held her legs wide apart! After she had been sucking him for a few minutes, she changed position and began sucking the other man’s cock.

I must admit I was getting aroused but I hated what they were doing to her! After sucking the two cocks for a few minutes each, Paul sat upright and told me to drive carefully because we might have an accident if I wasn’t careful! Next thing Cassie was standing up as best she could near the roof before she settled down in Paul’s lap, obviously impaled on his hard cock! My darling Cassie was being fucked right here in the car with me knowing all about it! We could all feel the car bouncing as Cassie humped herself up and down on Paul’s cock. It wasn’t long before she began to moan and Paul started to grunt and next thing he came in her cunt! Cassie screamed out loud as she reached her orgasm and Chad was cheering them on from the front seat!

The car had the distinct smell of sex once Cassie pulled herself up off Paul’s cock but then she moved over to Kevin and sat down on his hard cock. She was getting herself fucked for the second time in only minutes. Again I could hear them grunting and groaning as they fucked but this time, because he was close to her, Chad was reaching over and playing with her breasts and nipples and at the same time he was kissing her!

I didn’t like this one little bit but I hadn’t stopped it when I could and there was no chance now of stopping them. When Kevin had cum in her cunt and she was gasping and telling them she had to rest, she flopped back down onto the seat between them and, although they continued to play with her breasts and nipples, I could see she was quite exhausted.

We drove on for about another 30 minutes before I heard Cassie say, “Who is next?” At this time, Chad told Cassie she should climb between the two front seats and get into the front with him. Amazingly, Cassie made the effort and was soon climbing naked to be with Chad on the front seat. He then maneuvered himself so that she was kneeling on the seat facing the back of the car. Then he lifted her up until she was bent over the back of the front bucket seat and the two men in the back grabbed her arms and her breasts and held her in place. Chad then pulled down his pants and underwear and exposed his hard, long cock. He moved behind Cassie and eventually found her cunt and shoved his cock into her! She responded with a yelp but soon became aroused as he was fucking her and the two in the back were feeling her up! This time I could actually see another man fucking my Cassie! She was screaming loudly and telling Chad to hurry up and fuck her! Chad soon deposited his load deep into her cunt and I could again tell from her scream that she had orgasmed as well.

Now I watched as my well fucked Cassie disentangled herself from Chad and climbed back into the back seat of the car. I heard her ask Paul if his cock was hard again and then she said, “Oh, Paul, wow, what a beauty. Please fuck me in the asshole – I need it now!” Again Paul was sitting on the seat and Cassie lowered herself down on his cock but this time she presented her asshole to his cock. With a bit of an effort, and a lot of groaning from her, she eventually settled down with his cock right up inside her asshole. She kept telling him how wonderful it felt and to hurry up and fuck her ass. At the same time, Kevin was playing with her wet cunt and clit and she was having lots of orgasms while Paul was fucking her. Soon she yelled out and came again as Paul shot his load deep into her asshole. She turned to Kevin and asked if he was ready too and, being told he was, she moved over and sat on his cock again taking it up inside her asshole. Again they fucked and she received her second load of cum in her asshole.

Before she had sat down, Chad told her he was ready too and he would come over into the backseat and fuck her there. She giggled and told him to hurry as the cum was running out of her asshole and she wanted another load in there in a hurry. Somehow Chad climbed over into the backseat and with Cassie kneeling between the other two men; Chad got behind her and stuck his hard cock deep into her asshole. Again it didn’t take very long before Chad shot his load into her asshole and I heard her say she was going to leak cum everywhere.

Chad now moved back into the front seat and Cassie asked for her panties. I tossed these back to her mumbling “About time” but when I glanced again, she was wiping their cocks with her knickers and then she took their cocks, one at a time, and sucked them off! I was disgusted because it was only a couple of minutes before she had these same cocks deep inside her dirty asshole and now she was sucking them!

I heard the three men in turn eventually cum in her mouth and then Paul said, “Well, I guess we have taught these two a lesson. Don’t fuck with other men and then they won’t fuck with your wife!” I knew what they meant. If I hadn’t been so overprotective of Cassie, they may have only felt her up and kissed her at the beach house rather than actually fuck her!

We were nearly home now and so they all dressed Cassie opting only to wear her blouse and skirt and she gave the panties to Paul – all stained – and her bra to Kevin as souvenirs of their session. We had to drive the three men to their homes and when we reached each in turn, their wives were waiting for us and asked the men how they had got on with the slut? Now I was very depressed – apparently I wasn’t thought of very well and Cassie was being called a slut!

Once the men were all out of our car and safely deposited with their wives, I told Cassie I thought she was a slut too and now I didn’t have much time for her! I asked if she really thought we would remain married after this affair. She just laughed and said, “The boys told me I had to tell you they would look after me. If you decide to punish me, they will make your life such a misery at work that you will want to leave. I have to report back to them tomorrow afternoon and tell them what you say and do to me! I guess that is a form of blackmail but I wanted a good time and they gave it to me – now you can decide what you want to do in the future!”

We drove home in silence and didn’t speak again until we were inside our home. As it was rather late, Cassie moved straight into the bedroom and slowly removed her blouse and skirt. Her beautiful body was smeared with cum, over her belly and breasts and around her mouth. Her nipples were very red indicating to me they had been sucked hard and probably bitten. She had several love bites on her breasts and both her cunt and asshole were still dripping cum in long strands.

Cassie then said, “Darling, I know we are going to stay together and that you love me – even if you hate me right now. If you want to have me stay with you it is necessary for you to fuck me right now while I still have lots of other men’s cum inside me. That will be a sure sign that you still love me and are not cross with me for fucking other men! Will you fuck me right now?” I asked her to have a shower first but she simply said, “Either fuck me now with my cunt full of cum or we are finished! After you have cum in my cunt, and you are rested, you can fuck my asshole as well and leave your deposit there!”

Right now I hated Cassie but that was a momentary thing and underneath it all I truly loved her so I pushed her down gently on the bed and pulled her legs wide apart. Now I could see all the cum still oozing from her holes and the very wet cum-stained hairs around her pussy which looked much darker because of all the cum. I pushed my cock into her cunt and fucked her feeling the other men’s cum making her hole very slippery. Once I had cum in her hole, I rolled over onto the bed. Now she had my cum oozing out of her as well. After a while, she grabbed hold of my cock and stroked it until it was hard again. She then moved onto all fours and presented her ass to me. Her asshole was quite dilated and red and the cum was literally running out of her. I positioned my cock at her asshole and then shoved it right in as far as it would go. Again it didn’t take me long before I shot a load deep into her rectum to join the rest of the cum in there.

I now expected Cassie to head for the shower but she told me now she loved me, that she wouldn’t leave me, and she wouldn’t want to have other men fuck her. She also said I had to give her more space of her own and she would be true to me only!

My very wet and sloppy slut rolled over but before she went to sleep, she took my hand and placed it over her very wet and sloppy cunt. She then pushed four of my fingers deep into her hole – it was wide enough to probably take my whole hand but she kept those four fingers deep inside her cunt and then went to sleep!

If it is possible to love and hate a person at the same time, Cassie had given me every opportunity to do just that!