The Lingerie Party

My name is Penny and I live a normal suburban life with my husband Mark in a quiet leafy street on the northern outskirts of Sydney. I am a curvy lady in her early 40s with big breasts, dark hair and sparkling blue eyes. “The girls” as I affectionately call them are 20DD, or 42DD for you Americans!

About a month ago some new neighbours moved in two houses from us. Very few people come and go in our street, so some new neighbours to replace the couple that had moved interstate was a topic of interest among the residents. While walking the dog one morning, I noticed that the woman that had moved in her front garden. I waved politely and she waved back and smiled a friendly smile and came down to the front gate for a bit of small talk and introduced herself as Jan. I invited her around for a coffee that afternoon and she said she would love to drop in.

She knocked on the door at about three in the afternoon. We chatted over a coffee and biscuits and I found out that Jan had moved with her husband Andrew from Perth due to an excellent job opportunity he had with an insurance company in Sydney. They were both in their mid 30s and had been married for 12 years. She said she didn’t really know anybody in the city and really wanted to get to know the neighbours as she appreciated a sense of community. Jan was quite bubbly with bright blue eyes, easy to get on with and very confident but without being arrogant. She was petite with a small waist. I guessed she was about five foot two inches. We hit it off straight away and she ended up staying a couple of hours before she had to go home to do some more unpacking. She invited us over for dinner on the friday.

Friday rolled on and we arrived at Jan and Andrew’s with the requisite bottle of wine at about 6:30. As we approached the door we could already smell the aroma of a tasty meal cooking. Jan welcomed us and introduced Andrew while I introduced Mark. Despite still being in the throes of settling in, their house was immaculately organised and their kitchen was spotless. Jan poured the wine and we each took a glass. Mark can be a bit “standoffish” when he meets someone new, but both he and Andrew seemed to get along really well straight from the start. After a little while, they wandered off out into the garage and I stayed in the dining room with Jan as she busied herself with the final touches for dinner. Jan informed me that the entrée was a homemade broccoli soup while the main meal was a roast leg of lamb with a medley of vegetables.

After a few more wines, dinner was ready and we called the men in from the garage and ate a lovely meal. As it turned out both Andrew and Mark really liked fishing, and they had decided to look into hiring a local houseboat with a couple of other guys (whose names weren’t familiar to me) for one of the weekends coming up. With disinterest Jan shrugged her shoulders, but I thought it was a good idea as Mark had been working hard and deserved some time off. Mark and Andrew ended up talking about fishing most of the night while Jan and I talked about movies and current events and we both got quite sloshed from the wine, and we left the men to tidy the kitchen and do the washing up. At about midnight, we bade farewell to our hosts and wandered back home.

When Andrew came home from work on the Monday, he told me that he and Mark and two other guys from work had booked a houseboat for a weekend’s fishing. It was a few days later when Jan knocked on the door and offered me an invitation to a lingerie party at her house for the weekend. She said since the boys were going to be out boating she wanted to have a “Girl’s Night In”. She said that on the one hand she was pleased that Andrew had met some new people, but on the other hand she was a bit annoyed that he was going away because they had spoken on numerous occasion’s about how little he spends at home. I’d never been to a Lingerie Party before and I guess from the flicker of apprehension in my eye, Jan sensed my hesitation. She put her hand lightly on my forearm and assured me it would be great fun, and that her and her girlfriends had had a great time at a similar party once before and the lingerie was for real women, not just airbrushed stick figures in modelling catalogues. I laughed at this and agreed that it sounded fun. Jan said that these parties were professionally co-ordinated by women for women and asked me to invite some other girl’s because so far there would only be four of us attending — the two of us and Michelle and Rona who as it turned out were the wives of the other two guys that had gone off fishing with Mark and Andrew. I did enjoy the thought of getting some new lingerie because of the sensuous feel of the fabric on my skin, not to mention how it made me look when I paraded in front of the mirror wearing it.

That evening I told Mark about the lingerie party and he smiled absently and said as long as we have a good time it was okay with him. As the week rolled on Mark got more and more focussed and excited over this damn fishing trip. On saturday, Mark departed with his goods and chattels for the fishing trip and I had a lazy and languid sleep-in (which also included a little masturbating!), and then spent most of the day relaxing around the house. I had a relaxing bath in the afternoon and soaked myself in the water which had some sweet smelling essential oils added. After I had reluctantly got out of the invigorating bath, I put on my best black bra and matching panties which really pushed up my cleavage and was a real contrast against my white skin. I admired myself in the mirror as I finished getting dressed in a black dress which struggled a bit to completely cover my cleavage.

The party was scheduled to start at 4:30 with some drinks before the hostess arrived at 5:30. I turned up spot on 4:30 and was the first of the guests there. Jan greeted me at the door, dressed in a velvety green cocktail address which made her look as sexy as hell. The low cut of the dress exposed a fair bit of cleavage. Without staring I guessed her breasts were about a C cup. A slight swell of her belly was evident and as I followed her into the lounge room I couldn’t help notice how her butt wiggled from side to side. I don’t normally look at women sexually, but I felt a faint pang of desire watching this women walk. As it turned out Jan had already had a few champagne’s and was even more animated than usual. She didn’t hesitate to pour me one and as I caught a glimpse in her fridge, it was quite clear that she had stocked up on the bubbly! Rather forwardly, Jan commented how sexy I looked and how I was so lucky to have such big boobs. I shyly laughed, but before I could pass any further comment, there was a knock on the door signalling that the other two women had arrived.

Michelle was a chubby redhead who looked like she was in her early to mid 30s and Rona was a tall blonde who also looked about a bit younger. We chatted away over champagne and a cheese platter. Jan in particular seemed determined to get well and truly sloshed as she was really drinking the champagne quickly and was bemoaning how it pissed her off that her husband always seemed to find something to do each weekend that didn’t involve her. Christine, a friend of mine who I had invited arrived a little bit later. Jan had also made a little pot of dark chocolate fondue and presented it with an array of fresh fruit including fresh strawberries which is one of my favourite fruits. We all indulged in this extravagance, and the bittersweet hot chocolate together with the cool, crisp but juicy fresh fruit was divine. A “best of the 80s” cd mix playing in the background.

In what seemed no time at all an hour passed and the host of the party arrived. She introduced herself as Sharon and after the formalities she asked politely for us to write down our measurements on the piece of paper she provided so she could go back to the van to get some samples. We did this and she disappeared back to the van before re-emerging with two gargantuan suitcases that she hauled up Jan’s driveway. Sharon said she would talk us through the catalogue and show us some examples and if we wanted to we could try them on.

Jan butted in “Sharon, the rule for this evening is that if you have to try it on you have to parade in front of us, and if you buy it, you need to keep it on for the rest of the evening.”

Sharon politely nodded and took the glass of champagne offered and she continued her spiel. She offered Jan a little gift basket which contained massage oils, stockings with a matching garter, scented candles, and a pocket book called “50 Naughty Li’l Party Games”. Sharon started off showing us a couple of camisole sets — one was a cute number in a pale blue polka dot print and the other was a sheer ruffled white one with a tie ribbon and a matching g-string. They were nice but none of us were really overly enthusiastic, perhaps we were just a little bit shy to begin with, although Jan was certainly being rather boisterous. Sharon delved in to her box of tricks and pulled out a hot Spanish style red outfit. It was full length satin with a slit on one side that ran right from the top of the hip down to the ankle. It wasn’t really my style, but Jan became animated and Michelle really liked it and she joked that it matched her flaming red hair. Jan urged her to try it on and Sharon said that she had one in her size. Michelle agreed to try it on and disappeared into the next room which had been designated the change room.

After a couple of minutes with us girls chatting away and downing some more champagne and nibbles, Michelle emerged from the other room wearing the outfit which did indeed fit nicely and it was certainly risqué. Michelle had kept her white panties and bra on, and her panties were clearly visible from the side as she confidently twirled around in the outfit. Jan applauded boisterously while Sharon said it fitted perfectly. Michelle said she really liked it and would buy it. She looked extremely sexy in the outfit and it suited her perfectly.

“My husband’s going to love to see me in this when he get’s home.” said Michelle.

Next Sharon produced a very elegant little number that to me appeared a very pale blue, but she informed us that the colour of it was “mint”. It was a long flowing sheer outfit with a floral lacy midsection and a matching g-string. Jan just loved it and almost without any further discussion she hurried into the next room to try it on. When she emerged I gasped ever so slightly because Jan’s breasts were clearly visible through the diaphanous material. She had taken her bra off. I could see her rather large areoles and her nipples, and the material gently hugged the underside curves of her breasts. Jan did a playfully seductive little dance in front of all of us and I thought to myself how toned her body was. The g-string obviously covered very little and I could even see the slight rise of her vulva through the flimsy material. I tried not to stare too much at her crotch and her breasts, but it was rather difficult to avoid!

After a little round of applause that I joined in, Jan returned to the couch. Next Sharon showed us a number of “babydoll” style outfits. Christine really liked one called “black magic” which was pleated chiffon with soft pink lacy trimming and black panties and she said she wanted to try it on. She went into the other room and was quite awhile in the other room.

“Hurry up in there”, was the catcall for Jan.

Christine came out and paraded coyly in front of us and even did a little mock curtsy. The outfit covered up a little bit more than Jan’s had, but her breasts, which were D cups, could be seen. I had never seen so much of my friend who had always dressed so demurely. The drinks had flushed away her usually introverted nature and she was certainly behaving like a little minx.

Jan bought another three outfits before Rona or I had bought anything, and she delighted in parading in front of us in these sexy outfits. She was certainly the exhibitionist. She purchased a black bra and boyshort set with matching garter and stockings, a purple and black satin corset with panties and stockings, and a two piece chemise with vibrant blue lace trim. The latter she left on and her pert but full breasts were again clearly visible as she flounced around the room.

Jan was cajoling Rona and me because we hadn’t tried anything on yet.

“If you can’t pick something out I’ll do it for you” she asserted.

Sharon intervened and said she has just the thing for me. She produced a black corset which had a pale pink edgings and a lace up ribbon back, matching panties and stockings.

“That’ll be so sexy on you. C’mon put it on, put in on, I want to see you in it.”, begged Jan.

My inhibitions had well and truly caved in and the thought of being semi-naked in front of these women was forbiddingly delicious. If the others could do, so could I. Sharon said she would come in and give me hand as I might need some help adjusting the lacing at the back. Sharon had helped Jan into and out of her corset so I nodded in agreement. I picked up the outfit much to both Jan and Michelle’s delight, and I went into the other room to get changed. I stripped down and stood naked in the full length mirror, before slipping on the silky smooth black panties and the ever so sheer stockings. I picked up the corset and wrapped it around myself, before yelling out to Sharon for assistance. As I held the front of the corset in place, Sharon came in and deftly gave me assistance, adjusting the lacing at the back quickly and smoothly. Sharon commented how this outfit would really show off my glorious boobs. I clipped up the fasteners at the front and felt the exquisite tightness of the corset across my stomach and chest.

“Give me a look” Sharon said and I obliged.

“Fantastic” she responded and I admired myself in the mirror, particularly the way the garment accentuated my large breasts even further and held them firmly in place. I was ready to make my appearance in front of the other women.

As I appeared Jan wolf-whistled, and I boldly paraded myself in front of these women. I was no longer at all self-conscious and I felt sexy and confident in my outfit.

“Oh, I wish I had boobs like yours.”, Michelle said.

“Works of art.”, added Jan.

I sat back down on the couch, slightly flushed with excitement from showing myself off. I never thought I’d feel this way, but I did. Mark had taken my body for granted for a little while and I wasn’t used to such direct compliments anymore, only the occasional leer from some oversexed youth when I was at the shopping centre.

In my absence, Rona had picked out something she wanted to try on. She appeared in a white rhinestone bodice with a frilly edge, white panties and white stockings. She was a buxom girl as well and I found myself staring at the large swell of her breasts that emerged from the top of the outfit. The rise of Rona’s pubic mound was visible thorough the panties and I wondered if my mine had been too when I had paraded myself in front of these women.

All of us were in lingerie now, but Sharon continued to show us a few more outfits. While there was some other nice stuff, we were all a little bit less interested s we were all content that we had a made some purchases, and we just wanted to keep having a few more drinks and talking amongst ourselves.

Time had really drifted on and when Sharon had displayed the last of the plethora of outfits she had managed to cram into the cases she carried, I thought it was about 9:00 but it was indeed closer to midnight. Michelle, Rona and Christine looked a bit tired and much to Jan’s chagrin said they would get changed and dial a taxi to take them home. The taxi came after the typical delay of about three-quarters of an hour, and as the other three woman bade farewell, a rather intoxicated Jan coaxed me to stay for one more drink to “celebrate” being a home alone wife. Jan said she’d make us a cocktail and started to rummage around in the cupboards pulling out bottles. We chatted about nothing as she busily prepared a jug of cosmopolitan. One drink? Hmmmm… I thought to myself, but I decided I was up for it as I could sleep off my hangover in the morning.

I went to the couch and Jan followed, sitting close to me. I could smell the perfume she was wearing. It was stronger than before and I was sure she must have put some more on just before.

Looking into my eyes Jan asked:

“Did I have a goodtime?” she asked in a slightly slurred tone.

“Lovely.” I said

We chatted away and wondered what our husbands were doing and joked how they were missing the fun of their wives dressed in sexy lingerie. After we downed another drink, Jan said

“Let’s have a look to see if there is something fun in that little book Sharon left us.”

“Okay.”, I replied.

Jan flicked through the book and quickly picked out a game called Twenty Questions which was a variation on the usual theme. We were to each put pieces of paper in a hat each with a number on it. The numbers were to be from 1 to 40 as there were two of us and each number corresponded to a question in the book. Jan went back into the kitchen and very quickly came back with a book of raffle tickets and ripped off the numbers from 1 to 40 and put them in a hat she had pulled off the hat stand. She also went and got the scented candles which were also part of the gift basket from Sharon, lit them and turned off the lights. The room was now bathed in soft candlelight.

“You go first.” said Jan playfully

I did so and pulled out the number 26 as Jan passed me the book. I blushed as it became apparent just how revealing the questions in the naughty little book were!

“Have you ever been naked in public?” was the first question for Jan.

I guess I knew the answer to this even before Jan quickly responded in the affirmative. I was still witnessing her exhibitionism to agree as she had been showing her breasts and butt cheeks for most of the evening, I guess though I couldn’t talk since I wasn’t exactly covered from neck to knee as I lazed back resplendent in my corset and flimsy knickers .

Jan reached in and drew out number 36 and asked me: “Have you ever had an orgasm from just having your breasts stimulated”?

I blushed as I answered yes. My breasts are incredibly sensitive and if they receive enough attention I can really scream the house down.

It was my turn again and the question I got to ask Jan was

“How many vibrators do you own?”

“Three she answered without blinking. A pearly bird, a soft pink number about six inches a long, and a little slimline one I sometimes keep in my hand bag.”

The next question I was asked was when was the last time I had masturbated.

“This morning.” I replied.

“So did I.” exclaimed Jan and then added,

“I have more orgasms when my husband is away then when he is home.”

As the questions rolled on we had found out an awful lot about each other’s sex lives. It must have been the cosmos speaking in combination with the whole naughtiness of the evening, because I have never been one to reveal intimate details about myself to my girlfriends. Among the things I found out about Jan were that she lost her virginity when she was 18, her favourite sex position was on top, and she once covered her breasts and pussy in honey and had a lover lick it all off. I even found out that she had been in a threesome with two guys. Among the things that I had told Jan were that my husband’s penis was six inches long, that I fantasised about other women sometimes when I masturbated, and that I had visited a sex shop.

We never finished the questions. Jan and I had moved closer together on the couch and I found myself gazing into Jan’s eyes. I had noticed that her gaze occasionally dropped to my chest. I have always been bi-curious but have never so much as kissed another woman and would never have the courage to make the first move. I think Jan may have sensed both my interest and my trepidation.

Jan went to say something else and then coyly giggled like a naughty school girl and said:

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing”.

“No go on tell me”, I beckoned.

With eyes twinkling in the candlelight, Jan blurted out simply, “I want to kiss you.”

I was surprised but not shocked, and before I could say anything, Jan had grabbed both my hands and we both drifted in unison up off the couch. She pulled me gently towards her, it was almost like slow motion as our bodies floated together, and for the first time in my life I was passionately kissing and being kissed by a woman. Jan had wrapped both her arms around me and I could feel her breasts pushed up hard against mine. The feathery touch of Jan’s fingertips across my bare back and shoulders was making me shiver with excitement.

We kissed for what seemed like sweet eternity. Jan’s tongue had slipped into my mouth and danced over my own. She then started to gently nuzzle my neck and ear lobe as she breathlessly and huskily whispered into my ear while her fingertips roamed wantonly across my back. In breathless fragments, Jan started to whisper dirty talk into my ear.

“I’ve wanted you since the first time I saw you ………I’m going to bury my face between your huge tits…. I want to lick your pussy and hear you scream……. I’m going to rub my pussy all over your face…. Tell me what you like and I’ll do it to you baby…..God I’m wet, just so hot and wet for you Penny…………. Promise me you’ll lick me good baby…Slowly…. Promise me……….

Jan broke off the embrace and moved her lips down to my alabaster globes that had been pushed up and out by the corset. Her soft kisses and hot breath on the top of breasts had me shuddering with expectation. As she was kissing the top my breasts, I saw that one off Jan’s hand was lightly stroking her own crotch through the flimsy fabric of the g-string. After an exquisite eternity, Jan lifted her head, looked me in the eye, and moved her hands up and slowly started to undo the fasteners on my corset. Slowly, ever so slowly, she unclipped the first fastener, then the second and then the third. Jan then reached in and gently lifted my boobs from the now partly opened corset, her fingers started to lightly caress them. I could feel my pussy getting wetter and wetter as Jan moved her fingers slowly around the outside of my breasts. All the time she was staring into my eyes and whispering wantonly

“You’re so beautiful Penny my darling……Your kisses have made me so wet….My pussy is dripping for you………My little clitty is waiting for your touch …and your tongue…….. She needs you tonight baby……. I know your pussy is going to taste like honey…….. Your big breasts are so soft and divine…….I want to kiss them Penny…….. I’m going to kiss them Penny…….”

With that Jan moved her mouth to my nipple and inhaled it. I gasped in ribald pleasure. She shifted from one breast to the other, but just as I felt my excitement building even further, Jan slowly stood up again and smiled seductively at me. She then undid the rest of the fasteners and I shook myself out of the corset, now completely topless in front of this woman in the flickering candlelight. The unmistakable aroma of aroused pussy was now starting to drift throughout the room.

I had never undressed another woman or touched her erogenous zones but I wanted Jan. I reached out and started to softly stroke the underside of Jan’s breasts through the thin material. Her eyes fluttered shut and I saw her lightly bite her lip as my hands glided over the soft swell of her breasts. I moved my fingers up to Jan’s bullet like nipples and a little moan escaped her lips as soon as I touched them. I lightly grasped the undersides of both breasts in the palms of my hands, while I teasingly danced my thumbs around Jan’s nipples. I kept this up until Penny whispered furtively:

“Undress me Penny………… Please now”.

I flicked the thin straps of the lingerie off one shoulder and then the other and Penny reached down and lifted the garment off. The soft candlelight danced off her bare breasts. We were now both topless and only in g-strings and stockings and we moved towards each other again and embraced, our bare breasts squeezing together and our lips meeting as we kissed deeply. Jan’s crotch was against my thigh and she ground it slowly but firmly ground it against me.

“Come with me to the bedroom” she whispered, and led me by the hand through the house to a bedroom with soft lighting where we laid down together. Straight away, one of Jan’s hands descended to my pussy and I opened my thighs almost involuntarily. Jan stroked my pussy through the flimsy panties – long, slow, firm strokes. Jan was running her other hand through my hair and kissing me deeply again before looking me in the eye and saying

“Let’s take these panties off shall we. You won’t be needing them again tonight.”

I lifted my buttocks of the bed as Jan slid my g-string off and moved herself between my legs. I opened my thighs wide as Jan moved her fingers up to spread my pussy lips.

“Fuck you’re so hot and wet. Your pussy is soaked Penny. It’s dripping pussy juice and I want to lick it up and feel you cum on my tongue. Oh won’t you cum on my face Penny. Please cum on my face”.

Jan’s lips descended onto my engorged sex and she rhythmically sucked my pussy lips and clit in to her mouth. I yelped in pleasure at the sensations. I knew I was going to cum very quickly. I was moaning aloud and squirming on the bed, thrusting my pussy almost uncontrollable against Jan’s mouth. She slid two fingers straight into me and started to finger fuck me. My pussy was so wet I could hear it squelch as Jan’s fingers firmly thrust in and out. I was clawing at my own nipples as orgasmic wave after orgasmic wave crashed over me. I squeezed Jan’s head between my quivering thighs as I thrashed around in pure and uncontrolled ecstasy. This woman had given me an orgasm like none I had ever had before. I laid back panting and gasping as I came down from a dizzying height.

Jan pushed herself up on to her elbows and just smiled back at me from between my still splayed legs.

“Oh Penny you came so hard my darling. Just lie back now and watch me make myself cum. My pussy is so wet Penny, it’s oozing. Watch me touch myself Penny, I love it when someone’s watching me touch my wet pussy.”

Penny shuffled around on the bed and slipped off her own g-string. Even in the soft light I could see that the front of it had been sodden. Jan laid down and opened her thighs so that I had the perfect view of her pussy. She looked me in the eye as the fingers of her left hand started to squirm vigorously around her pussylips and clit. It didn’t take long and after only a couple of minutes she was there.

“Watch me cum Penny. Watch me cum. Oh fuck. Fuck Penny I’m cumming……….”

Jan unleashed a guttural groan and I watched transfixed as she convulsed in front of me, writhing in an orgasm that nearly saw her fling herself right off the bed.

As Jan recovered her breath, neither of us spoke or really moved for a little while before Jan broke the silence.

“Did you like watching me touch myself. I loved doing it for you sweetheart.”

Jan moved up and languidly nuzzled my neck and fondled my breast.

“I want to watch you touch yourself now. Will you do that for me. Stick your fingers in your pussy and fuck yourself. I want to see it”, whispered Jan.

I was already very horny again after watching Jan bring herself to orgasm. Without speaking I moved myself on the bed, got myself comfortable and spread my legs to give Jan an eyeful of my pussy. I went straight to teasingly circling my clit with a single finger but not touching its centre. Clockwise, then counter-clockwise. I did this slowly for a couple of minutes and then dipped two fingers into my pussy right to the hilt and withdrew them quickly. I did this over and over again as this always turns me on.

“Keep going Penny. Your pussy play is turning me on again. Fuck yourself with your fingers. You’re going to have to lick my pussy soon Penny. Can you do that for me?”

I respond to her with an affirmative moan. I’d never licked a pussy before but I wanted to badly. I wanted to lick Jan’s pussy. Jan had got up and was standing on the bed, she moved to straddle my face, lowering her wet pussy slowly towards my mouth. I breathed in the aroma of Jan as she descended and tasted pussy for the first time as her pussy lips rested on my mouth. I was now fucking myself vigorously with my own fingers. Jan was facing back towards my feet and her hands encircled both my breasts extremely firmly, flicking my nipples in unison with her thumbs. She then started to slide her pussy around my mouth and talk dirty again.

“Taste me Penny, Lick me. Your tongue feels so good. Oh fuck Penny. I want to cum on your face, cum on your face as I squeeze your hot nipples. Keep fucking yourself Penny. I can see you fucking yourself.”

My lips had encircled Jan’s clit and I started sucking on it hard. As I did so Jan stopped talking and started to whimper. She was now squeezing my nipples hard and then letting go and then squeezing again, twisting them ever so slightly as she did so. They felt like they were on fire. My second orgasm for the night was building as I started to fuck myself harder with my fingers. As I did this Jan forced her pussy down hard on to my face and screamed in an orgasm, her hands encircled my breasts below the areoles and she wrenched them upwards at the height of her scream. It was too much for me and my own orgasm followed, my screams muffled by Jan’s pussy which was still partly smothering my face.

“Oh Penny you lick pussy like a dream.” said Jan in a breathless tone.

I was still gasping and lost for words and could only respond with a satiated groan.

Jan moved up and cuddled me and we both basked in the afterglow of wonderful sex. We said very little more that night and feel asleep in each others arms.

This was my first but not last experience with another woman…