Volunteer Of The Year

Men often complain that their wives aren’t interested in sex, but my husband doesn’t complain at all — I’m the one with the complaint!

From early morning to late at night, my husband works as a heavy equipment salesman. He makes tons of money, but he never makes love to me except for a half-hearted effort on some weekends. What’s even worse, when he gets home at night he usually falls asleep on the couch. We never see a movie, go out to dinner, or even just go to the mall to get out of the house. Yes, if it wasn’t for the fact that he gives me and the kids all the money we need, life would be unbearable.

The worst thing, though, is that I really loved him before he began to think of nothing but work. I still do love him, and that’s why for 15 years I never thought of cheating on him. I always thought everything would be allright if he’d just think of me sometimes instead of how many bulldozers he can sell to the big account in Idaho! Anyway, when I told him I was getting bored and needed something to do during the day (he doesn’t want me to work; he says he makes more money than we could ever spend, and he might be right!), he said “Why don’t you go volunteer to work at the hospital. That should keep you busy!”

Although I don’t like the sight of blood, I responded to an ad in the paper looking for hospital volunteers. As I was given a tour of the hospital, the volunteer coordinator explained that I would basically help the nurses — make sure ice water bottles in rooms are filled, maybe push a patient around in a wheelchair, get newspapers for the patients, and so on. It didn’t sound too dificult, so I told them I would begin on Monday.

Since I’m just 36, I was easily the youngest volunteer in the hospital. Most of the daytime help consisted of retired gents, or elderly widows after the retired gents. Still, everyone pitched in and made themselves useful. After the first week, I was finding the work very rewarding and I looked forward to my four-hour shift three days a week! I was still frustrated by my husband’s lack of attention, but the volunteer work provided some outlet and relief from my physical cravings for sex.

After about three weeks on the job, the head nurse assigned me the job of filling up the ice water bottles in each room. The wing I was working on was mostly orthopedic patients. It wasn’t very crowded, and several of the rooms only had one patient in them. As I pushed my cart along, I reached the last room in the corridor, took a bottle off the car and breezed unannounced into a room.

I didn’t think before pushing aside the privacy curtains around the bed, and I soon learned why they were closed! The patient, a good-looking male around my age, was sitting up in the bed masturbating himself while looking at a pornographic magazine! While my sudden entrance briefly startled him, his reaction startled me.

“Well,” he said, “did you come to just watch, or did you want to give me a hand!”

I then realized that instead of putting the ice bottle down and leaving, I had just stood there staring at his huge prick. Maybe it was because I hadn’t seen an erect cock at home in a few weeks, or maybe I was just in shock at finding this patient jerking himself off. Whatever the reason, I finally responded by blushing, mumbling “excuse me,” and rushing out of the room.

Soon it was time to go home, but that night I could hardly sleep. And, when I did, all I did was dream about that man holding his huge cock and pumping his hand up and down the shaft. I soon woke up and, with fantasies of that big cock floating through my head, I began to caress my clit with my fingers, moving slowly back and forth until I felt a wetness between my legs.

My clit was now swollen and responding to the least bit of pressure, so as I rubbed it around and round, I inserted two fingers into my cunt. Imagining they were the patient’s huge cock, I felt my body began to respond. But, I knew my fingers were no match for his huge prick. I began to rub my clit and cunt faster and faster, and a quickening arose in my twat. Faster and faster I moved my hands, but my own hands could not provide the satisfaction I needed!

Reaching over I tried to arouse my husband, and I started rubbing my hands up and down his flaccid shaft. But, there was no response, either from him, or his limp prick. He was deep in sleep, probably dreaming about the fuel-saving benefits of a 18,000 horsepower diesel earth mover!

It was no use! I rolled over, and with my juicy cunt longing for a good fucking, cried myself to sleep. The next day was Tuesday, and because I didn’t have a shift at the hospital until Wednesday, I went to the hairdresser, got my nails done, bought some makeup, and finished my food shopping. Oddly enough, I didn’t think about the patient, or his huge cock, all day or night. I didn’t even think about him when I reported for duty the next day!

But, it wasn’t long before I was thinking about him. When the nurse told me to take the newspaper down to Room 101, I felt my heart jump. As I walked down the hall with the paper in my hand, I didn’t know if the lump in my throat was from fear or anticipation. It wasn’t long before I found out!

This time, I knocked at the door and heard the man say come in. His privacy curtains were open, so I mustered up my courage and walked over to the bed and held out the paper to him. He just sat there and smiled, and it was almost like he was reading my mind.

“Please put the paper on the table,” he said. “I’ll read it later.” I was just getting ready to turn and leave, when I heard him push the switch that closes the privacy curtains. As the curtains closed around us, he said “There’s something I want you to see.”

With that, he pulled the waistband of his pajamas down to reveal his huge cock. I realized then that I wanted to see it as much as he wanted me to see it. It was beautiful, and he must have seen my appreciation of it in my face.

“Would you like to hold it?” he asked. Instead of answering, I reached over and took his organ in my hand. As I began to move my hand up and down the shaft, I could see and feel it gorging with blood, growing longer and thicker with each caress of my hand.

“That’s nice,” he said. “Your hands feel much nicer on my cock than my own hands. Pump a little faster if you want to!” My hand started sliding up and down his shaft in a fast rhythm, but I soon realized his prick was too much for one hand. One hand grabbed the base of his cock, while the other massaged the meaty head of his shaft. He started to move his hips in tandem with my grasps along the length of his shaft, and soon I saw the glistening of semen that dribbles out when excitement starts to build.

Having been without sex for several weeks, I couldn’t control myself any longer. Leaning over the bed, I sucked his cock deep into my mouth, and began to run my mouth up and down the shaft so that his tip must have went halfway down my throat. It was only seconds before I felt his hot cum squirting in torrents down my throat, into my mouth, and dribbling out onto my cheeks.

I sucked and sucked on his prick until every last drop of cum was gone. As I did, I felt my juices dripping down my thighs as a wave of satisfaction swept through my body.

Suddenly, we heard steps in the hallway, and as I quickly composed myself, he covered himself up like nothing happened. A few seconds later the nurse came in and sent me on some errands.

When I came back to work on Friday, the patient with the big cock was gone. I never saw him again, but from that day on my sex life got better and better.

You see, the nurse wasn’t coming down to the room that day to send me on an erand. She had been blowing the guy ever since he was in the hospital (I don’t think anything was wrong with him — he just liked to spend a few days getting sucked!), and he told her I gave head almost as good as the head nurse!

Well, she spread the word around the hospital, and soon I was spreading my legs, my cunt, my ass and everything else for doctors, interns, orderlies! You name it, I fucked it!

It’s a little easier putting up with my husband’s lack of interest in sex now. I get all the money I want at home, and all the sex (and more) I need at the hospital.

And, just yesterday the staff named me “Volunteer of the Year!”

1 Comment

  1. this is an old story being recycled here.we want something new please.

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